A Branch newsletter was launched on a trial
basis in June, 1996 and named In
Touch. Its primary purpose was to keep those members
who were unable to attend meetings in touch with what was happening
in the Branch. It was published in alternate months until
March 2001 since when it appears each month. From its early days it
contained short articles of general interest and became a mini
magazine. Its format is convenient in size and visually attractive
and it is printed on good quality paper. Circulation was initially
to our members only but copies are now sent to County Office, local
RBL, RNA & RAFA branches and a few interested individuals.

In August 1997 to bridge the 2 months gap between issues, a
second publication was started, In Touch,
Too. This was a simple single A4 sheet of news,
announcements and a Diary of forthcoming social and other events.
It was discontinued when In Touch
became a monthly publication.
An important aspect of our newsletters is that as far as
practicable they are delivered by hand by a team of volunteers who
ensure that even those who do not get to meetings do see another
branch member occasionally. These calls can provide a valuable link
to the branch Welfare Team.
An on-line version was launched in March 2002 as a web-site. Each issue was
retained and the earlier ones added to create an archive of several
hundred pages covering Issues 1 to 140 during the fourteen years to
June 2010. The site is still accessible but from Issue 138 March
2010, when a new A5 format for the paper version was introduced, In
Touch can be viewed on this site.
In September 2002, a selection of articles and stories, mainly
written by Branch members, from the first six years of the
newsletter, was complied as a book entitled "Memories are Made of
This". It was in A5 paper-back format, of 188 pages and was edited,
printed, bound and published by two members of the
Branch as limited edition work to raise funds for the Poppy