Branch History - Research
A paper published in the Journal of the Market Harborough
Historical Society, and reproduced with their permission.
Paul Robinson
In May 1921 the amalgamation of several ex-servicemen's
organisations brought about the formation of the Royal British
Legion. One of the first local branches to become organised was at
Market Harborough in 1922. Since then the popular image of the
Legion has been one of old soldiers honouring their fallen comrades
of two world wars by military parades and Remembrance
Services. But from its inception the national and local branches
have actively involved themselves with the social issues of
employment and pensions for both able and disabled ex-servicemen or
their dependants.
The economic slump of 1921 had rendered an estimated 250,000 ex-
servicemen unemployed. To deal with the cases of distress this
produced, the British Legion established the United Relief fund and
the Unity Relief Fund. In Market Harborough the Legion branch
formed a Relief Committee, under the early chairmanship of Mr
Archer and Mr Smith, to assist Legion members and local
ex-servicemen who found themselves in financial difficulties. The
Relief Committee of 11 members, plus two nominations from the
Women's Section, the Old Contemptibles and the Foxton sub-branch,
would meet on the first Monday of each month to discuss eligible
cases for help. Like the General Committee, they met at
the various locations of the Adult School, the Ambulance Hall, the
Old Grammar School, 67 High Street, the Coventry Road Infants
School and Anholme House (Abbey Street) between 1931 to 1948. After
this date meetings probably took place in the permanent Legion HQ
at Hind Yard. Over the years the Relief Committee evolved into the
Benevolent Committee in 1943 and the Service Committee by 1944.
Today this Service Committee still assists local ex-servicemen
through the work of the Welfare Officer.
The criterion for gaining benefits was being a local
ex-servicemen or his widow or child. There was no necessity to be
an actual Legion member to receive help. So, by 1932, at least 90
per cent of those receiving assistance from the Market Harborough
branch were not members of the Legion. Direct assistance from the
town's club was given through several different schemes. These
included varying amounts of cash relief given over a set number of
weeks, as goods vouchers and food tickets redeemable at local
stores, fuel supplies (such as coal) and Christmas gift parcels.
Fuel and gift parcels were given especially to widows and children
of ex-servicemen. By 1933 the Relief Secretary was empowered to use
benevolent funds to help any-ex servicemen passing through the
town. In addition the Relief Secretary acted as an intermediary
between local ex-servicemen and the Council's Public Assistance
Board over problems of state assistance. Funds were also used by
the Women's Section to organise outings and parties for the
children of local ex-servicemen.
This local benevolent work was partly financed by
the national Poppy Day appeals, the 1914-18 Fund for men who had
served in this war and the United Service Fund for other
ex-servicemen. But the majority of the Market Harborough relief
finances came from a general fund that placed moneys into the
branch's benevolent fund. Contributions to this were produced by
the club's social fund-raising events such as annual dinners,
dances, shooting or darts competitions like the Lady Zia Werhner
Cup and cricket matches. Other fund raisers used were concerts,
raffles and whist drives. Added to these finances was the charity
work done on behalf of the town's ex-serviceman and their families
by the likes of Legion Chairman Captain Charles R Knighton before
his death in 1937. The Market Harborough branch also helped by
supporting other town fund-raising activities such as Hospital
Saturday and helped in the organisation of the Harborough Garden
In its early years the major social issue of proper pensions for
ex-servicemen occupied the political efforts of the Legion. At the
end of World War One the full pension for a man totally disabled
came to only 30 shillings a week, flat rate. Additionally, the law
stated that a man must prove that any subsequent illness was due to
his war service and that no claim could be made seven years after
being discharged. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s the Legion's
pension department kept up a sustained political pressure on
successive governments to have these policies amended. During this
time, from 1931, the Market Harborough branch demanded an increase
in all war pensions. They supported many local ex-servicemen's
applications for a war pension and helped others to obtain the
Prince of Wales's Pension for aged ex-servicemen. Ultimately this
nation-wide Legion influence, assisted by social changes brought
about though the Second World War, achieved better pension rights
and the creation of an Independent Appeals Tribunal
which led to an equality of pension rates between men from both
world wars.
By early 1944 the Legion had obtained the passing of the
Disabled Person's Employment Bill, which obliged employers to hire
a quota of disabled men. To aid local disabled ex-servicemen and
their families, the Market Harborough Legion supplied invalid
chairs and holidays. For local ex-servicemen wanting to continue in
education, the town's branch provided educational grants.
As with the national British Legion, the Market Harborough club
has experienced a fluctuating membership over the years. They no
longer have their own local headquarters building because the
upkeep and repairs became too expensive. However, they are still an
active branch organisation that meets every third Thursday of the
month at the Conservative Club. Even today the town's British
Legion branch continues Remembrance and ceremonial duties as well
as welfare work for local ex-servicemen.
Primary source:
Market Harborough British Legion Minute Books,
Secondary sources:
Brown, Antony. Red for Remembrance: British Legion,
1921-1971 (London: Heinemann, 1971)
Wootton, Graham. The Official History of the British
Legion (London: Macdonald & Evans, 1956)