poppy field

Market Harborough

  15 Dec

 After meeting Quiz by Janet & Brian Lee

  13 Nov

 Remenbrance Sunday Parade to Church for service 7 to Square for Wreath Laying

  11 Nov

 Armistice Day wreath laying & Silence11-11-2016

    9 Nov

 Branch meeting and talk about Leics. Recovery Dogs

    1 Nov

 Branch Lunch attended by 29 people

   29 Oct

 Poppy Appeal Launch

   19 Oct

 Remembrance Band Concert in Baptist Church

   15 Oct

 Coffee Morning raised £240 for the Poppy Appeal

   12 Oct

 Brief General Meeting followed by 2016 AGM when a new Chairman, John Standish, was elected. Stewart Harrison was elected Vice Chairman and the existing Committee members stay in office.

     6 Oct

Presentation of Legion d'Honeur to Douglas Owen

   18 Sep

 Several members attended Battle of Britain service

   14 Sep

 After the Branch meeting Pppy Appeal awards were presented

     6 Sep

  Branch lunch

     8 Aug

 Branch meeting followed by  a successful Poety reading by members

     2 Aug

 Branch Lunch

    13 Jul

 Branch meeting and talk by a police officer  about taking precations against crime

     5 Jul

 Branch Lunch

   30 Jun

 Somme Centenary commemoration in Memorial Gardens

   26 Jun

 Armed Forces Day Parade and Drumhead Service

   18 Jun

 AFD coffee morning raised £178 towards AFD expences

     8 Jun

 Branch Meeting and In Touch 20th Birthday 'cake' followed by a talk about the National Memorial Arboretum

     7 Jun

 Branch Lunch to which RAFA and RNA members were invited was to Celebrate HM the Queen's birthday. The menu theme was 'A Royal Trip around the Commonwealth'

     21/22 May

RBL National Conference at which Branch Delegate, John Standish, received the Lister Cup awarded  to MH branch

      11 May

 Branch meeting and talk by three ATC cadets about their visit to Belgium and the battlefields

       2 May

 Branch lunch

     13 Apr

 Branch Meeting and talk by MH historian, Bob Harkwell was entitled 'Invasions'

       5 Apr

 Branch Lunch

      19 Mar

 Anniversary Dinner at the Golf Club at which County Awards were displayedAwards (1)

        9 Mar

Branch Meeting at which the county awards were  handed to the secretary

        1 Mar

 Branch Lunch

       20 Feb

Coffee Morning disappointing through lack of Cadet and member support but £244 was raised

       10 Feb

 Branch meeting and Talk by the much travelled medical academic, professor Roland Spiers

        2 Feb

Branch Lunch

      14 Jan

Branch meeting and talk about the Sea Cadets

        5 Jan

Late Xmas lunch with RAFA and RNA members