poppy field

Market Harborough



     19 Dec

   Members had been invited to the Peaker Park Xmas party

       9 Dec

 Branch Meeting followed by a short Quiz, Traditioal mince pies and a talk by Glyn Illiff about  soldiers in WW1

      11 Nov

 Branch Meeting followed by Poetry reading by members of 19 assorted poems

      11 Nov

 Armistice Day wreath laying & Silence on The Square

        8 Nov

 Remembrance Sunday Parade, Church Service, Wreath laying at WW1 memorial and short service with 11am Silence

        3 Nov

 Branch Lunch attended by 30 mainly regular members

      24 Oct

 Poppy Appeal launch

      17 Oct

 Some branch members were at the Sea Cadets Coffee Morning

      14 Oct

 2015 AGM at which the Officers were relected except for Vice Chairman which post is vacant, Existing and 3 new Committee members were elected

        8 Oct

 Branch Coffee morning with affilliated Youth groups on duty

      20 Sep

 Battle of Britain Service attended by Standard Bearer and several other members

        9 Sep

 Branch Meeting and Poppy Appeal Awards

        1 Sep

 Branch Lunch

      12 Aug

  No Branch Meeting but a few members met for a drink and chat

        4 Aug

 Branch lunch  with 28 people present

        8 Jul

 Branch Meeting and talk by John Hasting-Thompson about building a replica of a WW1 locomotive to be called 'The Unknown Warrior'

        6 Jul

Branch lunch

        4 Jul

 Several members attended the RNA cheese and Wine party

      28 Jun

 Armed Forces Day event in Welland Park

      20 Jun

Coffee Morning to raise fund towards expences of AFD

      10 Jun

 Branch meeing and talk by Susan Grogan about her role as Leics. RBL Advice and Information Officer

        2 Jun

Brancl lunch attened by 25 people

      17 May

Several members attended the Peaker Park lunch party

      13 May

Branch meeting and talk  about Leics. war memorials at risk

        8 May

Several members attended the VE Day Anniversary event on The Square

        5 May

VE Day Anniversary Lunch  with RNA and RAFA

        8 Apr

 Branch meeting and talk by Sir Michael Carleton-smith 'War and peace in the Holy Land'

        7 Apr

 Branch Lunch

      21 Mar

 Anniversary Dinner at the Golf Club where 60 people were present

      11 Mar

 Branch meeting and talk by Paul stammers on 'the Osprey Project'

        3 Mar

 Branch Lunch  at which 29 pepole were present

      21 Feb

 Coffee Morning raised £306 for branch funds

      11 Feb

Branch meeting and Poetry Reading by members

      14 Jan Meeting and talk by Neil Townsend about the Korean War
      13 Jan  Late Xmas lunch with RNA and RAFA
        3 Jan County Conference which Standard Bearer and 6 members