The Branch meeting was attended by Cllr Knowles who outlined the latest information about the future of the Cottage Hospital War Memorial. Mince pies,a tot of sherry and a well organised Quiz after the businees session added a seasonal theme to the last meeting of the year.
18 Nov |
Vice Chairman and two other members represented the Branch at the ATC Cadet Enrolment Service
15 Nov |
Annual Remembrance Concert by the Harborough Band held in the Baptist Church was very well attended. Over £400 was raised for the Poppy Appeal
11 Nov |
A large gathering of the public assembled on The Square before th gates of the Memorial Gardens for the Armistice Day observance of the Two Minutes Silence and wreath laying. More pictures in Photo Gallery
9 Nov |
The Parade assembled in the Commons Carpark and marched to the Parish Church for the Remembrance Service at 10.00 and returned to The Square for an outdoor public service and two minutes silence at 11 o'clock followed by wreath-laying on the WW1 Memorial Cross More pictures in Photo Gallery
3 to 9 Nov |
A Sunset Ceremony held daily at 4pm in the Garden of Remembrance. On the last day a good attendance of members of the branch and the public saw and heard two kilted pipers and a drummer and the playing of Last Post and Reveille
25 Oct |
Remembrance Garden set up with the refurbished Cross3 es, Cenotaph and Memorials
25 Oct |
Poppy Appeal launch featuring the Northampron Pipe Band, the Poppy Car and the Cadets' delivery trolleys More pictures in Photo Gallery
8 Oct |
Branch AGM at which the Officers were re-elected (see Office Holders and Contacts). Two committee members had resigned but were replaced by the two others who had been nominated. The monthly Geneneral Meeting and a Buffet followed.
7 Oct |
Branch lunch at The Angel was well attended with 23 persons present, including two fairly new members.
2 Oct |
Coffee morning raised £276 fot the Poppy Appeal Preparing the Tombola stall
21 Sep |
Several branch members attended the Battle of Britain Service at Little Bowden Church
20 Sep |
Several branch members supported the RAFA coffee morning
10 Sep |
Branch meeting and social event which was a light-hearted game
2 Sep |
Branch lunch at the Angel with 31 persons present, the best turnout for many months.
29 Aug |
Picnic and Barbeque party at Peaker Park with entertainment by a professional group and informal dancing by two branch members
13 Aug |
Branch meeting and a joint Peaker Park event 
9 Aug |
WW1 Re-enactment of Market Harborough at War- recruitment, Letters home from the Front , Suffregettes, patriotic music by the Harborough Band, etc.
5 Aug |
Branch lunch attended by about 20 Members
4 Aug |
WW1 commemoration events - short Service at Cottage Hospital War Memorial, Unveiling of a plaque in Memorial Gardens and Solemn Commemoration in Parish Church
29 Jun |
Armed Forces Day event in Welland Park was well attended by visitors and exhibitors. It was opened by two Chelsea Pensioners who were 'Stars of the Show'. See Gallery for photos
23 Jun |
Armed Forces Week Flag raising Deputy Lieutenant Neil Townsent says a few words
21 Jun |
Armed Forces Day Coffee Morning- several Branch Members were there as helpers and customers.
14 Jun |
The Poppy Appeal Team had a marquee at the MH carnival.
11 Jun |
After Meeting event was a very interesting illustrated talk by Rohini and Chris Corfield about their work as VSO volunteers in Nepal.
7 Jun |
A few branch members showed their support of the fairly new local Sea Cadet Unit by attending their Cheese and Wine evening
31 May |
Several Branch members attended the RNA Coffee Morning
17/18 May |
Branch delegate, John Standish, Standard Bearer, Hilary Brazil and Branch Secretary all attended the event in Torquay.
14 May |
A very interesting after meeting talk by Jeremy Prescott about WW1 and the Common Wealth War Graves Commission
9 April |
After meeting talk about the Harborough Museum Past and new by Jane Tugwell, Co-0rdinator of the new Museum Trust.
22 March |
f Sir Edward Garnier MP, Col and Mrs Martin with John and Kathy Morley in front of this year's trophy, The Ron West Shield at the Anniversary Dinner. See Photo Galleries for more pictures,
12 March |
The after meeting presentation was by Hamish Macinnes of the Curzon Institue on the Commonwealth contribution to WW1. Several members had questions or related information about their relatives who served in that war.
12 March |
 Coffee morning proceeds were shared equally between the four affiliated Cadet Units. See Photo Gallery
22 February |
 Several members helped at a coffee morning to raise funds for the branch affiliated cadet units.
13 February |
'After Meeting' event was an interesting talk by Bob Harkwill, local historian, about Market Harborough in the lead up to WW1
4 February |
Eighteen members attended the monthly unch at The Angel Hotel
7 January 2014 |
 RAFA, RNA & branch members enjoy the late Christmas lunch