15 December |
Several members enjoyed joining Peaker Park residents at their Christmas Party, when vocalist Kyle Keal provided some first-class entertainment with all joining in the seasonal songs.
13 December |
At the General Meeting a checque for £234 raised for the Poppy Appeal by the ATC was presented by Sgt Pippa Ball. The In Touch Editor mentioned the criticisms he had received regarding the current style of the Newsletter and his decision to resign from the post. A buffet and quizz followed the meeting.
12 December |
Informal evening get-together of those members who deliver In Touch ('The Paper Boys and Girl')
17 November |
The annual Remembrance concert performed by the Harborough Band ended with a short act of remembrance with the last post sounded by two cornet players as the Standard was dipped. 
14 November |
A brief Generl Meeting was followed by the AGM at which the President outlined highlights of the National & County Legion year, and the Chairman reported on those of the Branch. In the election,the Officers and three committee members were returned unopposed. Only one new committee member had nominated to replace three who resigned. See new positions here.
11 November |
The Remembrance Day service at the Parish Church was very well attended as usual but the long Parade was not well supported by Branch members - many of us cannot march anymore! More pictures of the parade are in Photo Galeries.
10 November |
In the Sunset ceremony in the Remembrance Garden two pipers led our Standard Bearer, Hilary, past ranks of ACF Cadets and members to the Cenotaph. A few members of the public were also present.
3 November |
The branch was well represented at the Leicester Festival of Remembrance both on the stage and in the auditorium. The Band of the Royal Marines gave an interesting high quality performance.
27 October |
Poppy Appeal Launch with the Northampton Pipe Band and military themed Cadet delivery vehicles. More pictures in photo gallery
24 October |
Several branch members joined colleagues resident at Peaker Park care village at their cocktail party
10 October |
Poppy Appeal Awards presented to these who were present at the branch meeting A special award was made to Maurice Stanton in recognition of an outstanding 55 years support.
Others who qualified will receive their certificates later
10 October |
John Cox receieves a Certificate for 27 years service as Branch Standard Bearerr and deputy 
6 October |
Poppy Appeal coffee morning raised about £300. There were very generous donations to the cake stall which attracted a lot of customers.
2 October |
Another good lunch at The Angel but only 13 members there to enjoy it. Why so few??
16 September |
Several members of the Branch supported their RAFA friends at the Battle of Britain Service at Little Bowden Church.
12 September |
Branch meeting 'After Business' talk given by Philip Wright, Hotel Manager at Peaker Park Care Village about his role and the wish for closer liason with the Branch
28 July |
The branch was well represented at the RNA Cheese and Wine Evening at Great Bowden. A very enjoyable occasion- thank you RNA for inviting us.
21 July |
Five branch members, four of whom hold office at County level, attended the county Half-year coference at Melton Mowbray. Our Rev John Morley was introduced as the new County Chaplain.
8 July |
Ramsay Walkers again completed the London Poppy Walk. Note the medals!
1 July |
Armed Forces Day Event see Photo Galleries of Setting up some of the stands Other Stands Events & displays other photos
25 June |
Armed Forces Day Flag Raising See more in Photo Galleries
23 June |
Coffee Morning for Armed Forces Day events |
17 June |
County Standard Bearers' annual rededication service and parade hosted this year by Market Harborough Branch |
9 June |
Carnival - information & recruiting stand |
5 June |
Branch Lunch |
19&20 May |
Branch Chairman, Secretary and Standard Bearer attended the National Conference |
9 May |
"Military Memories from the Cold War and Colonial era"- Sir Michael Carleton-Smith's most interesting talk brought back memories in others who had been in some of the places in which he had served during his long and successful career. |
11 April |
Branch Meeting followed by another amusing game called Bletchley Park involving Code-breakers and visitors. |
2 April |
Another good Branch lunch at The Angel - 22 present |
9 March |
89th Anniversary Dinner at Market Harborough Golf Club. 64 members and guests attended.More pictures in Photo Gallery |
24 February |
Coffee Morning, Well attended by the public and supported by members with items for the stalls especially the cakes from Myra seen on the right with Secretary/ organiser Betty. £300 was made for Branch Funds. |
18 February |
Tea Dance poorly attended by members but enjoyed by those who did go. For pictures see Photo Gallery. |
8 February |
New President, Mr Andrew Granger, introduced at Branch Meeting 
20 January 2012 |
Poppy Shop opened- volunteers still needed |
10 January 2012 |
Late Xmas Lunch with RAFA and RNA Con and Brian obviously enjoyed the occasion. See photos of others who did,too. |
7 January 2012 |
County Conference at Broughton Astley. Five branch members attended. Highlighlights included election of new Chairman and Standard Bearer. Guest speaker was RBL Dirctor General, Chris Simphins. |