23 November |
AGM - the review of year was aided by a diaplay of "Last Year's Highlights" Elections showed no change in Officers but replacement of two resigning committee members. See Office Holdres... for current line-up The 10 years old winner of Class 1 of the Poetry competition had her entry read and she was presented with her prize. You can read it here.
19 November |
Remembrance Concert by Harborough Band includes the Last Post with 2 Cornet players and Standard Bearer. |
13 November |
The Remembrance Sunday tradition of Parade to the Parish Church led by the ATC Band, a crowded Church for the Service and return to The Square for wreath laying, two minutes silence at 11 o'clock and a short service very well supported by the public. |
12 November |
Sunset Ceremony in the Garden of Remembrance included piper and drummer preceeding the standard, Last Post by a cadet and the winner of the poetry competition reading his excellent Poem. |
11 November |
Wreath laying and silence observed by the Memorial Gates. Good public support including two classes of School Children.  |
8 & 10 November |
Four members who had served in WW2, again took part in an annual event at the Museum for young school children about Remembrance. |
1 November |
Branch lunch at The Angel enjoyed by 22 members including these shown here. |
29 October |
Poppy Appeal launch. |
25 October |
History of TRBL in Leicestershire project reception at County Hall. Four members attended. Branch Display included in the Exhibition. |
15 October |
Successful Branch Coffee Morning. Kitchen duties were by just two very busy and efficient ACF cadets. |
8 October |
Standard Bearer and members were present on The Square when the Royal Anglians excercised their "Freedom of Market Harborough" |
6 October |
£ members attended a Poetry Workshop- part of the History of the RBL in Leicestershire. |
4 October |
19 members attended the Branch lunch at The Angel |
25 September |
Drumhead service to commemmorate 90th anniversary of unveiling of Market Harborough WW1 Memorial.  |
6 September |
15 members attended the Branch lunch at The Angel |
6 August |
Standard Bearer Hilary took part in the Parade at the Poppy Race Day at Newmarket, watched by her family |
2 August |
25 members attended the Branch lunch at The Angel |
19 July
National Memorial Arboretum with RNA |
3 July |
Armed Forced Day Event. Well organised, well attended and well supported by participants with static and active displays. Photos  |
12 June |
The Legion 90th Anniversary was celebrated at a Mad Hatter's Tea Party organised and hosted by the ATC Cadets. Great fun, lots to eat and some unusual head- gear! Photos |
11 June |
Market Harborough Carnival in which the Branch entered a float in the Parade and had a display in the Recreation Ground more photos |
7 June |
Another enjoyable Branch Lunch at The Angel, but a disappointing attendance. |
28 May |
Members of the Branch, of RAFA, RNA and the Cadets helped at a very well attended coffee morning and raised £499 towards the Armed Forces Day event costs. |
11 May |
"Detectives" searching for clues in a lighthearted game after the business part of the Branch meeting (see report in Branch News of In Touch #152.  |
13 April |
Two ATC Cadets made a presentation at the Branch meeting of money raised by their1084 Squadron for the Poppy Appeal.  |
11 March |
Branch 88th Anniverary Dinner held at Market Harborough Golf Club enjoyed by 70 members and guests including representatives of Desborough and Husbands Bosworth Branches. |
9 March |
After meeting talk " The Afghan Dilema" by Sir Michael Carlton-Smith. Well attended by branch members and invited guests. |
3 March |
Involved with County Archives Team's visit to MH Library publicising their 90 Years of RBL project |
28 February |
90 Years of RBL Information display set up in the Library. It lasts until 11 March  |
26 February |
Successful coffee morning raised £290 for Branch Funds. |
16 February |
Provided County Archives 90 Years of RBL project the result of research of Branch Archives. |
8 January |
County Conference at Melton Mowbray. Four members attended. |
4 January 2011 |
Christmas Lunch at the Angel with RNA and RAFA View a selection of Photos
For previous events see 2010