poppy field

Mansfield Bellamy

The branch was founded in 1989 to serve residential estates in the south of Mansfield. Part of this area provides sheltered accommodation for a large number of senior citizens, many of whom are ex-Service men and women or their dependants.

Very soon the branch had more than 100 members and won the County prize for increased membership in small branches in successive years. The branch standard was dedicated in April 1996. Since its inception, the branch has held annual parades and services on Remembrance Sunday at the local community Church, and hosted county-wide parades and services on the 50th anniversaries of D-Day, VE-Day and VJ-Day.

Mansfield itself is the centre of Sherwood Forest – Robin Hood country – and a plaque in the town marks the spot where the tree once stood which was thought to be the actual centre of the forest.

Less than a quarter of a mile from the Legion's meeting place is a stone which marks the spot where the ancient Forest Court met. The inscription reads:

On this place the justices in Eyre (circuit) met the great officers of the forest every seven years for the administration of its affairs & here also the verderers met the swains or freeholders in a moot three times a year for the purpose of renting the pasturage.
