poppy field


Latest news:

Fetival of Remembrance Royal Albert Hall 2019

10th November.

In the past, each branch had been allocated ( on a first come basis ) two seats. This year Headquarters has changed the application process. Individuals, not branches can bid for tickets ( limited to two tickets perapplicant ). If you wish to attend , please phone 020 7087 7929 or use the internet st https://festivalof rememberance.seetickets.com.


Malmesbury Abbey RBL Poppy Field 2017

Remembrance 2017 B

 Committee members

Charles Vernon       John Kerslake           Ian Mace     Andrew Woodcock


Former Sherston Members Transfer:

All former serving members of the Sherston Sub Branch have now been transferred to the Malmesbury Branch with continued full membership status.


The Branch Committee has several vacancies. If anyone is interested in being a member would they kindly contact the Chairman, Derek Tilney on -  01666 823944. The committee normally meets every first Friday in the month, at 1930 hrs. During the present National Lockdown the meetings are suspendered and business is continued via email and telephone communication.                                                        


The Branch Committee wishes to improve our welfare capacity. There is a very real need for members to volunteer for the role of '' Visitor ''.

Visitors are people who carry out visits to hospitals, care homes or increasingly, to the house bound.

The role is to provide companionship to those unwell, isolated or vulnerable. Visitors will provide small gifts which the RBL will pay for. There is a one day course available and expenses can be paid.

This is a very worthwhile activity completed within the bounds of the individual's available spare time. The Visitors are our eyes and ears in the local community helping the Legion to meet its obligations.

Please contact the Welfare officer Owen Gibbs if you wish to volunteer or can suggest someone who might wish to assist.


As you pass through Crudwell, North along the A429 you can clearly see the recently renovated Bench Seat. This particular Parish asset has a Royal British Legion motive built into the steel back. The task to give this bench a smart new coat of paint was completed by Cheglow resident, Mike Everson-Goddard and his two young sons.

In what was a magnificent act of spontaneous community involvement and spirit, members of the Malmesbury & Sherston Branch Committee, join Crudwell Parish Council in thanking Mike and the boys, for the magnificent result achieved by their workmanship.

The Work Force

The Work Force.jpg


Irene & Dick Granger

Dick Granger.jpg

Congratulations on your 60th Wedding Anniversary. Dick, a former treasurer of the Branch, and Irene are both avid supporters of the Branch. We wish them well.

Help reduce our Stamp Bill:

If you have an email address which you are prepared to divulge to the Hon. Secretary, we can send you the electronic version of the Branch Newsletter. We are contemplating returning to hand deliveries, area by area to drop the item through your letter box. If in the unlikely event you feel that you do not wish to receive the bulletin then please inform the Secretary.