Annual Conference 2012 -
Annual Conference 2012
Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Tuesday 24th April Standard Bearer's
Wednesday 25th April Womens Section
Thursday 26th April Womens Section
Accommodation Information
You can now book your accommodation for Annual Conference 2012 online. To secure your booking and be eligible for discounted rates and special offers, simply click on the link below and search a wide variety of accommodation to match your requirements
Please consider the following dates when booking accommodation:
Tuesday 24th April - Standard Bearer's Competition
Wednesday 25th - Thursday 26th April - Annual Conference
Welcome to the Women's Section of Royal British Legion.

Military Wives Official Video
Wherever You Are" and now pose the biggest threat to the X Factor since it began.
The wives from RMB Chivenor & Plymouth have been a surprise campaign to get to Christmas No.1 = SSAFA Forces Help (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association).
WOMENS WORK is worth telling !

Christine Poole's work during the Falklands
At the beginning of April 1982 as a Superintending Nursing Officer in Queens Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service, I was quietly running my surgical ward when I was informed that I would be joining a hospital ship in Gibraltar which would become the main Hospital Ship for the Falklands Conflict.
I and 39 other Nursing Officers and Nurses flew out of RAF Lyneham on 15th April to join SS Uganda or as she became known Her Majesty's Hospital Ship Uganda. After storing all the stores we had loaded on, we set about sorting out the various ward areas, Intensive Care Unit, Operating Theatres and the Burns Unit.
I was in charge of the dormitories, which were to house the minor injuries and non life-threatening burns patients.
We were all mighty relieved when on the 28
th June we heard that hostilities had ceased. and we prepared for leaving the Falklands on the 18
th July.we finally arrived back at Southampton on 9
thAugust 1982. I was able to ring home on our last night at sea and was worried that I may not see my parents and relatives on the quayside - "Don't worry" said my mother "your sister has done a banner". She had and I was able to spot it!! We were all taken aback at the crowds on the quayside cheering us in. we had sailed over 22,000 miles on our journey down south in 1982 ...... never to be forgot.
Written by Christine Poole
Ridiculed: In the film, Baroness Thatcher keeps the skeleton of her dead husband, Dennis, in a cupboard ~(Not true ).
The Women's Section needs YOU!
For 90 years, the Women's Section has been providing care and support for the ex-service community and their families.
Through a variety of specially tailored Welfare Schemes, we provide financial help to ex-servicewomen, wives, widows and the widowers of ex-service personnel and their children.
Without the help of our members and the fundraising they do, none of this would be possible. Become a member today, and find out how you can help us, change a life.
For more information about the Women's Section or to find out how we might be able to help you, please click on the relevant department below:
. . . . . . . . . . COMMITTEE.. . . . .. . . . . . . |
............... 2011 / 2012.. .. |
(1) Womens Honorary Chairman |
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(2) Womens Honorary Tresurer |
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(3) Womens Honorary Secretary |
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(4) Womens Standard Bearer |
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5) Womens Poppy Organizer
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(6) Womens Welfare Assistant |
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(7) Womens Members Secretary |
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(8) Womens Quartemaster Assistant |
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(9) Womens Section Member |
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(10) Womens Section Member |
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The Womens Section is Starting-up .
Any one interested to join the Womens Section Please enter your name @ the club.
Contact Welfare Mrs Mavis Back 020 8502 2398.
Any comments or Points of view email < >