
Fill in your details and you'll be ready to play.
Or if you prefer, you can download a copy to print out here. Then just fill it in and post it to us at:
The Royal British Legion Poppy Lottery Limited
PO Box 653, Galgate, Lancaster LA2 0XB
... and we'll do the the rest!
- We'll write to confirm your unique lottery number(s) and the date of your first draw within two weeks of receiving your form
- Each week, your lottery number will be entered into the draw
- 200 winning numbers are drawn at random every Friday
- If you win, there's no need to claim your prize, we'll automatically send you a cheque in the post
- You can check the results of each draw online, or call the Poppy Lottery helpline on 0152 752904
- We will automatically enter your lottery number into the Quarterly Superdraws and you can buy additional entries - giving yourself an even better chance of winning up to £25,000!
- There will be special extra prizes added to the draw from time to time, which we will post on our website

Call the Poppy Lottery helpline on 01524 752904
Email us at lottery@britishlegion.org.uk
Send your paper entry form to:
The Royal British Legion
Poppy Lottery
PO Box 653
Lancaster LA2 0XB
Our Members

The Poppy
Before 1921, there were several ex-servicemen's organisation's dealing with the aftermath of the Great War. But it was due to the forsight of Field Marshal Earl Haig that they were amalgamated into a single organisation. this, it was thought, would be of greater benefit to all ex-servicemen and the dependents of those who had fallen in battle.
It was a Herculean task taking on the responsibility of helping the dependents of the 700,000 who had been killed, along with the thousands disabled by injuries, and those demobbed with no prospect of employment due to the recession. In the words of Earl Haig at the time "I am anxious to see the spirit of comradeship practically expressed by the establishment of a closer union between different ex-servicemen's societies".
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Royal British Legion and together we can turn your support into action.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are now Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
John McCrae

The lapel Poppies that are worn in Canada today were first made, beginning in 1922, by disabled veterans under the sponsorship of the Department of Soldiers Civil Re-establishment. Until 1996, Poppy material was made at the "Vetcraft" sheltered workshops run by Veterans Affairs Canada in Montreal and Toronto. The work provided a small source of income for disabled ex-service persons and their dependants, allowing them to take an active part in maintaining the tradition of Remembrance.
When it no longer became practical for Veterans Affairs Canada to maintain the "Vetcraft" operations, the Legion volunteered to take on the continuing responsibility for the production of Poppies. In so doing, Dominion Command has awarded a production contract to a private company to produce the Poppies but all operations are conducted under strict Legion control and oversight.
Poppy Organizer = Aurther Spaulding; (020) 8508 5544
Enter your name as "Poppy-Collector" on your Street / Shop / Work / Play-area /