poppy field

Loughton Branch

News Club & Branch Events 2013

Next Meeting =4th / 06 / 2013 ......  8pm (20.00Hrs)

Members are expected to attend each  General Meeting or send in their appologies.


About the Legion

About the Legion

Support Legion's runners in the 2013 Virgin Marathon

12 April 2013

This year the Legion has it's largest ever contingent running in the Virgin London Marathon. Over 60 runners will compete in support of the nation's leading Armed Forces Charity over the famous 26 mile course. Between them they are expected to raise over £120,000 towards our welfare work.

Here are some of our supporters who are taking part. Many of them are serving in the Armed Forces or are ex-Service and have personal reasons for supporting us.

Use the links supplied to help them meet their sponsorship targets and join us on 21 April to cheer them home!

David & Tina Coulthard

David and Tina Coulthard

David served in the Royal Marines and saw active service in Northern Ireland and the Falklands. Both he and his wife Tina are widely involved in the Poppy Appeal, organising collections in their local area. They are proud to be running together to raise money for the Legion.

They said: “I have seen first hand the help and support given by the Legion to Service people and families, without discriminating between age and conflict."

Click here to donate to David and Tina's fundraising page.

Gordon Bell

Gordon Bell

Gordon served in the RAF for 23 years from 1983 to 2006 and is an active member of his local Legion branch.

He says: "I am now in a position both fitness wise and personally to give something back, because the Legion has always been there for me, and will always be there for Service people in the future."

To support Gordon, click here to donate to his fundraising page.

Matthew Dellar

Matthew Dellar

Matthew is currently serving in the Royal Marines and is hoping to raise money through friends and family, including his colleagues in the Armed Forces.

Click here to donate and support Matthew through his fundraising page.

 Nichola Rowlands

 Nichola Rowlands

Nichola, Account Manager for the Legion's Remembrance Travel, is striving to beat the world record for fastest marathon by a female dressed in full military kit (currently held by a bomb disposal expert who has served in Afghanistan and Iraq).

The current record stands at: 4 hours, 54 minutes, 15 seconds. She will be wearing a helmet, boots, a Kevlar vest and full combats as well as a running kit underneath. Her fundraising target is £1800.
Nichola said: “It's my first marathon – in fact last year I couldn’t even run over a mile!”
Click here to support Nichola by donating to her fundraising page.


Sam Jensch

Sam Jensch

Sam is currently serving in the British Army, and sadly lost a close friend while he was on patrol in Afghanistan.

Sam says: “A good friend of mine died on patrol in Afghanistan in 2009 and the Legion were one of the first to assist the family afterwards. I feel I owe a debt of gratitude for that support, and would like to run the marathon to help others in a similar situation.”

Click here to support Sam's fundraising efforts.

 Steph Baker

Steph Baker

Steph is a Cardiac Physiologist and often sees serving and ex-Service personnel who are suffering from cardiac problems and sometimes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

She says: “I hear stories about their lives in the Armed Forces, whether it is time spent in war zones or those who have left the Services and finding it difficult to adjust to civilian life so I’m embracing this challenge to make a positive contribution.”

Click here to donate to Steph's fundraising page.

 Barry Ashby
Barry Ashby

Barry served in the Army for 11 years as a Searcher in the Royal Engineers and is passionate about raising money for the Legion.

He says: “I have seen firsthand the how the Legion has helped families whose loved ones have died or been injured. As an ex-Serviceman, my mind is put at rest after hearing about the Legion’s support.”

Click here to support Barry and donate to his fundraising page.

 Kerry ClarkKerry Clark


Kerry is an MOD Occupational Nurse involved in the Army Recovery Capability, which the Legion is in involved with as a funding partner.

Kerry often signposts Service personnel to the Legion for further help and sees this, her first marathon, as an opportunity to give something back to those who have served.

Click here to donate to Kerry's fundraising page.

 Keith Cozens
Keith Cozens

Keith is Chairman of the Legion’s Dulverton Branch, and is running his first London Marathon for three reasons: to raise interest and support for the Dulverton Branch in his community; to raise money and give back to those who have served past and present; and to honour his uncle Steve Garrard, age 90, who served bravely in the Second World War.

Click here to donate to Keith's fundraising page.

 Craig Sephton

Craig Sephton

Craig is running his first London Marathon, and is passionate about raising money for the Legion after his grandfather benefitted from the charity’s work.

He said: “My grandfather spoke fondly of the Legion, which greatly improved his life, and I could think of no better tribute to him then to run for the charity in his name.”

To support Craig, click here to donate to his fundraising page.

 Bob Clark
Bob Clark

Bob Clark is a former Serviceman who is running the Marathon in support of his fellow comrades young and old.

He is no stranger to the Legion, having been involved with his Legion branch and club as well as supporting the Poppy Appeal. We wish him the best of luck.

 Clifford Jones
Clifford Jones

Clifford is running his first London Marathon and has a variety of methods for raising funds including car cleaning, bag packing and even the offer of shaving his head! Good luck Clifford!

Click here to donate to Clifford's fundraising page.

 Dave Bonsall
David Bonsall

Another first timer to the London Marathon is David Bonsall, who is running for the Legion as a long term supporter of the charity.

As a member and former Serviceman, David is familiar with the work of the Legion supporting the Armed Forces and their families.

Click here to support David's fundraising efforts.

 Lizzie Chapman
Lizzie Chapman

Lizzie is coming all the way from her home in India to run the marathon for the Legion, as many of her friends have benefitted from the charity’s work.

She was also a Poppy Appeal volunteer. Lizzie works in the corporate world and will be tapping into her sector to raise vital funds.

 Nataly Bean
Nataly Bean

Nataly has been in the crowd cheering on the London Marathon runners for the last couple of years but will this time be taking part herself.

Nataly has family members and friends who have served and is passionate about raising money for the charity.

Click here to support Nataly and donate to her fundraising page.

Daniel Joyce & James Randall
Dan and James

Royal British Legion employee Dan and his friend James are running their first marathon in support of the Legion.

Dan said: "I was inspired to run the marathon after going along to watch a couple of years ago and it is something I have always wanted to achieve. When the opportunity came up to run for the Legion I had to go for it, this will be the first time I have run an actual course further than 5km!"

Click here to donate to Dan and James' fundraising page.

 Freddie Battle

Freddie has close family ties with the Armed Forces, his dad was a Lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards and both Granddads were full Colonels.

He recalls one of his Granddad’s was injured in WW2 and received support from the Legion, so he is proud to be running for the charity.

 Stephen Cahill

Stephen is a serving Warrant Officer in the Royal Engineers, and comes from a military family with his father, sister, brother and granddads all having served. 

In his role as the Secretary of the Armoured Engineer Branch of the Royal Engineer Association, Stephen has seen a lot of the Legion’s work.

He is doing this marathon, his third to make his 50th birthday in 2013.

 Tim Cross

Tony served in the Royal Logistics Corp from 1993-2007 and is proud dad to Millie and Lydia.

The whole family are avid supporters of the Legion saying “The charity is very close to our hearts”.

Daughter Lydia is a double below-knee amputee and had customised poppy legs made for the Remembrance Day march in 2012.

 Cy Curzon

Serving Royal Naval Chief Petty Officer, Cy Curzon is taking on a mammoth feat this year by doing a Triple Legion Challenge.

Not only will he be running the London Marathon but Cy will also be taking on the Great North Run and Great South Run to support the charity.

Cy has already raised an incredible £1,000 with more fundraising to go.


Legionline 08457 725 725 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm)
Please make a donation

About us


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Poignant: A tri-service bearer party, drawn from ships, squadrons and regiments associated with the Falklands, take the coffin on their shoulders as the gun carriage draws away


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    UK troops in Paderborn

    The UK military's long march out of Germany begins on Thursday when the Ministry of Defence announces details of a pullout that will eventually cover all 20,000 British troops there.

    A Whitehall source said: "This is the start of a process that will lead to all British troops leaving Germany by 2020. It is the end of an era that began at the end of second world war and lasted through the cold war."


Barack Obama announces total withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

Barack Obama, Iraq troops pullout

 All Served  with  a  Smile  and a   Paper  Hat.




The father of a young Royal Marine killed in action in  Afghanistan has spoken of his gratitude That his son's sacrifice was honoured by the Royal British Legion Loughton on Sat-11/06/11 Georgie Sparks of Theydon Mount, Epping,  was just 19 when he died during a gun-fight in Helmand province.                    A Plaque commemorating his heroism was unveiled at the Loughton Branch of  the legion in Church Hill as members gathered to celebrate the 90th_POPPY_ ANNIVERSARY. Lest  we  Forget




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