Do you recognise the following Past Members?

William (Bill) Beaumont
Bill joined our branch after the sad death of his wife Lynn last year and found much comfort in the support he received from the branch. Bill was a lovely, friendly man and enjoyed attending our meetings and functions.
Bill was admitted to Denia hospital, where he sadly passed away. Thanks to the support of many members of the Javea Branch, he was visited in hospital every day during his stay. Throughout that time Bill retained his sharp sense of humour, despite his illness and was always grateful for the visits he received.
A message from the branch Chairman - Mike Huggins
Dear all,
a massive thanks for so many members attending the funeral of Bill Beaumont. The Branch, and the Legion did a wonderful job of sending Bill off with the utmost respect and dignity he deserved. Further thanks must go to all those who visited Bill in hospital, and to RAFA, Help of Denia and the hospital for their support. Lastly, but nowhere near least, Debbie in her role as BCS for helping coordinate all iof Bill's assistance in the past months, including during the sad loss of Bill's wife lasy November.
Debbie dealt with all of this, showing how much skill and passion she has for her position in the Branch, and the compassion she has for her fellow branch members.
Thank you all,
Former Branch Chairman Remembered

Jack Grindy, former President of Javea Branch, passed away on Tuesday 11th April aged 92. Jack was one of the founder members of the Branch, which this year celebrated its 28th Anniversary. Jack served in World War 2, enlisting at the age of 17 after lying about his date of birth so that he could join up! He was one of those who handled the assault craft on D Day. His boat was seconded to the American Forces and was one of the first craft to land on Omaha Beach. Along with all the Americans that took part in the D Day landings, Jack was presented with a bible signed by General from Eisenhower – a cherished possession, now equally treasured by his son.
He joined the Legion at a very early age and was a great supporter both here in the last 30 years and before that back in the UK. Members of Javea Branch remember Jack as a wonderful man, always there to help anyone, in any situation. He encouraged many members to get more involved with the Legion. Most can scarcely remember any event that took place here in Spain that he did not attend. He was very proud to be the Branch President from 2010 to 2015. Jack was sadly missed when he was forced to return to UK through ill-health.
He spent the last two years been in a nursing home in the UK near his family who kept in touch with the Branch us. He was also a proud member of the RNA and of the Diner's Club in Moraira.
Jack’s funeral was held on 17th April 2017 at Basildon Crematorium, with the Standards of the Royal British Legion and the Royal Naval Association and many members of both organisations present. The thoughts and prayers of all the members of Javea Branch are with Jack’s family at this sad time and as we share many happy memories of a great man.