poppy field


Falklands Memorial Painting

For the 40th anniversary of the Falklands conflict, the branch sort to have a commemorative piece of artwork commissioned. The work was completed by an Ex-Naval Medic, who was coming to the end of her military career.

The piece depicts a few of those UK Units that were sent to the Falklands, but also shows all 255 names of those that sadly lost their lives.

A copy of the artwork now hangs at the Falkland Islands Memorial Museum.

Copies of the artwork are available to purchase, however they are limited edition (255 copies only) with all of the funds going towards the Battleback Centres for Wounded, Injured & Sick (WIS) service personnel and Veterans.  The centres help to rehabilitate through sports.

Copies are £30 (+p&p) and are A2 sized.

Please contact honiton.secretary@rbl.community or honiton.bcs@rbl.community to obtain yours.