poppy field


Branch Information

Honiton is proud to have supported a Branch of the British Legion and Royal British Legion since 1921. On 19 July 2021 we celebrated our 100th Anniversary as a Branch.

Our current branch officers are:

(The Branch is currently operating as a County Supported Branch)

Branch officers
Point of Contact 1

Nick Wadey

Tel: 07793 064303

Email: honiton.secretary@rbl.community

Point of Contact 2 

Rev Robert Wilson

Tel: 07803 129851


Branch Community Support Rep

Paul S Shaw

Tel: 07737 496111

Email: honiton.bcs@rbl.community

Standard Bearer 

Tracey Lawlor

For Bookings, please refer to the Points of Contact.

Poppy Appeal Organiser

Paul S Shaw

Tel: 07737 496111

Email: honiton.bcs@rbl.community


We meet at 1930hrs at The Bee Hive, every second Wednesday of the month.