Our branch officers are: Branch Officers President Chairman Emma Sillifant E: holsworthy.chairman@rbl.community E: holsworthy.memsecretary@rbl.community Vice Chairman Shirley Crane Secretary Mike Tricks E: michaeltricks15@gmail.com Treasurer David Bowes E: scarecrowdave@hotmail.co.uk Welfare Chairman Standard Bearer Lizzie Crane E: holsworthy.stdbearer@rbl.community Entertainment Officer Poppy Appeal Organiser Please contact us The Branch meets every 3rd Wednesday in the Month at 1930hrs within the Magpie/RBL Club at Upcott Field, North Road, Holsworthy.
Our branch officers are: Branch Officers President Chairman Emma Sillifant E: holsworthy.chairman@rbl.community E: holsworthy.memsecretary@rbl.community Vice Chairman Shirley Crane Secretary Mike Tricks E: michaeltricks15@gmail.com Treasurer David Bowes E: scarecrowdave@hotmail.co.uk Welfare Chairman Standard Bearer Lizzie Crane E: holsworthy.stdbearer@rbl.community Entertainment Officer Poppy Appeal Organiser Please contact us The Branch meets every 3rd Wednesday in the Month at 1930hrs within the Magpie/RBL Club at Upcott Field, North Road, Holsworthy.