poppy field


Saying 'Bye' to year 6 2018

Another school year comes to an end and Roy our school liasion was invited to the final year six assembly in St Marys, where he presented those moving on a certificate that Roy had scribbled down on a piece of paper with Crawfords headmaster Mr Francksen had kindly made into a certificate you can read. 

If you are in the habit of praying or even if you are not, make a point of saying one that we don't loose this man for sometime. The children love him and for my simple selfI think he's blinkin brilliant. Watch this space - Crawfords is going places. 


If we had the fraction of the gifts presented to those youngsters at our final assembly we would of thought someone had won the football pools. Alright the lottery to you young folk. There were of course a few tearsand the usual boy's nudging each other and chuckling, but the boys hide their feelings behind that don't they? As I get older the harder I find it to hide mine. 

Ok, so wishing year six plus good luck and looking forward to the good news. We wiish all the children from everywhere a happy and safe summer holiday. 

Stay safe and stay cool girls and boys! - Roy Boy