Haughley Branch of The Royal British Legion, Suffolk
The Royal British Legion is perhaps best well known for the annual Poppy Appeal which is a fund raising drive before armistice day to generate the vital funds to help our service men and women.
There are thousands of stories behind the Poppy. The Poppy you purchase helps us to provide welfare and support to modern veterans, servicemen, women and their families. But it doesn't stop there.
Through the years the legion has achieved a number of successful campaigns which have changed the lives of our beneficiaries. For example we are currently campaigning for 'count them in' where we are asking the interment to include questions on the Armed forces community which are included in the next UK census in 2021. This information will ensure they receive care and support they deserve.
To improve the lives of service people, Veterans and their families why not join the royal British Legion and get your voice be heard?
We meet the second Thursday of each month at 7.45pm at Haughley United Football club, postcode IP14 3RA.
Why not join an extremely dynamic and forward thinking branch located in the heart of Suffolk who are always striving for our members and our local community?
Just contact us by email at acsargent48@gmail.com
Follow us on social media