poppy field


 Team Hardwicke RBLBranch Events

 What Hill? Spa Road, GloucesterBranch Events

Bristol Road, Gloucester. 30 C ....And Going Up!Branch Events

Team Medic & Co Driver Roy SupervisesBranch Events

Hardwicke & District Branch RBL raised £807.00 during the duration of the actual truck pull. The route took us along the A38 from Gloucester Cross to our Branch Headquarters at Green Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester. A distance of over 5 miles.

You Tube Video - truck arriving at Branch HQ for Armed Forces Day


Cash was collected by our Support Team who shook buckets on route and looked after our team of athletes by giving water etc. Despite causing traffic chaos on the busiest road out of Gloucester, the public of our City responded with enthusiasm and not one complaint was heard, on what was the hottest day of the year.

With the total £807.00 raised "on the road" and individual sponsorship the Branch raised a total of over £2000.00 towards our Poppy Appeal. 

A Big THANK YOU to the people of Hardwicke and Gloucester who supported us on Armed Forces Day and also to all of the people of all ages involved in this event.