poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Warwickshire

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

The local Poppy Appeal is managed by the RBL care home Galanos House along with volunteers at the home and Galanos Branch members.

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact Galanos.Chairman@rbl.community or  The Galanos House Poppy Appeal Coordinator

 The date of the official launch of the Poppy Appeal will be announced in early October. The Appeal makes a vital contribution to supporting retired and injured Service personnel and their dependants in almost every aspect of daily life and it is both heartening and humbling to see how much the people of our area support this work year after year.

Poppy boxes and collecting tins are distributed to many retail and social outlets throughout the area for the Remembrance fortnight. We always need volunteers to help with our stalls and collections so if you can offer an hour or so over the Remembrance fortnight, you would be most welcome.