poppy field


Branch Committee and contact details


Our branch officers are:

Chairman:                 M Dargan        Galanos.Chairman@rbl.community

Vice-Chairman:        R Fardon          Galanos.Vice-Chairman@rbl.community

Secretary:                S Moore           Galanos.Secretary@rbl.community

Treasurer:                 A Montague      Galanos.Treasurer@rbl.community

Standard Bearer:       L.Stanley         Galanos.StandardBearer@rbl.community


Galanos Branch Committee Members





Contact Galanos RBL Branch:

Mob:         07850 431127 or 07394 844001

Email:      Galanos.Chairman@rbl.community

Address:  Galanos RBL Branch, Galanos House, Banbury Road, Southam, CV47 2BL


If you would like to know more about our Branch, membership or have any queries please feel free to contact us. Or, if you would like to meet a member of the branch, contact us to arrange a chat in the RBL Community Hub, we look forward to seeing you.