poppy field


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Fulbourn War Memorial

The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.


Other memorials in Fulbourn:


The grave of Pte 37457 John.E. Gibbons The King's (Liverpool Regt) who died 04 December 1918 age 38 resides in the now redundant cemetary grounds of Fulbourn Hospital, the headstone states 'Buried in this cemetary.

Very little is known of this man who was admitted to Fulbourn Hospital which is a psychiatric hospital. Initially I thought his admission was most likely due to shell shock. However by looking at the hospital admission registers he was admitted on 2 December 1918 and died of TB Meninges.

Quite why he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital with a medical condition is interesting as he has no previous record of admission, unless his condition caused a mental problem.

His address is given as 11 Hope Street, Cambridge but there is no further connection to that address previously in the trade directories although the 1918/19 copy is missing.


The following information is what we can find from civil records, this may not be correct though and any assistance is welcome.

In 1881 he was living at 37 Bostock St, Warrington, son of John and Ellen.

In 1891 he was living in Liverpool Rd, Warrington.

In 1901 he was living at 9 Dixon St, Warrington.

In 1902 he married Annie Bates at Warrington.

In 1911 he was married with two children, Kathleen b1902 and Reginald b1906, they were living at 22 Lovely Lane, Warrington.

Burial records show he was born in about 1880 and buried 10 December 1918. View record>

There is no trace of his name on any other War Memorial.

Further information is that his wife's name was Ann(e). She was awarded a War Gratuity of £5.0.0, the account was credited in February 1919 at Preston and it was authorised on 22 May 1919. View record>



Elsdon Headstone


Wg Cdr T.N.C. Elsdon BSc RAF.Killed in action Gulf War 17 January 1991 Age 39.

Buried in St Vigor's Churchyard, Fulbourn. 



A memorial to village men killed in WW1 located in Fulbourn Cemetery, Sanders Lane. 

Fulbourn Graveyard Memorial 

Lych Gate at St Vigor's Church. On 23rd August 1923 it was dedicated by the Bishop of Ely in memory of those who fell from Fulbourn in the Great War 1914-1918

Lych Gate 


There are also three more memorials in the church, a marble memorial in the bell tower.

To the Glory of God and in Memory of Those who laid down their lives in the Great War 1914-1918. Two Treble Bells were placed in the tower of this church by Reuben Moore, Churchwarden from 1887.

A green marble stone engraved:

1945 - 1995 V.E. Day & V.J. Day Jubilee Celebrations with gratitude to all who served their country.

A memorial scroll naming all those who served in the Great War with crosses against the names of those who died can be found in the church. 

Memorial list of Fulbourn men killed in WW1 here... More>



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