poppy field


Central News

July 2024

Membership Fee Increase
At Annual Conference 2024, the motion to increase membership fees was carried. We fully
understand that nobody likes to see price increases, but there has not been one for a few years and
this change will help us provide the best service to our valued members.
Starting this September, the membership fee will increase by £2 each year for the next five years,
until 2028. This means that from the 4th of September, new members and those renewing will pay
£20. The change will take place automatically at renewal.

Centenarian Membership update
We are pleased to announce that the first group of centenarian memberships have now been
awarded. All those members 100 years and older should have received their new membership and
certificate in the post. This work has been undertaken following the passage of Motion 2 at Annual
Conference 2022.
Centenarian membership awards those who reach 100 years old with membership free of charge to
honour and celebrate achieving such a remarkable milestone in their life. If a member in your branch
is entitled to centenarian membership and has not yet received their certificate, please contact

Festival of Remembrance 2024 tickets
The RBL Festival of Remembrance will be held in the Royal Albert Hall, London on Saturday 9
November 2024 with performances at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets will go on sale to RBL members online
via See Tickets on 23 July and 30 July for the evening and afternoon performances respectively.
Tickets will not be available until these dates.
For the specific time that tickets will go on sale, please refer to the RBL Festival of Remembrance
webpage closer to the date. A Festival of Remembrance holding page will be available in due course
through the See Tickets link. Once live, festival tickets can also be found by searching on the See
Tickets website.

As per previous years, tickets are not available to purchase over the phone as See Tickets do not
have this as an option. We use an external ticket provider due to a Metropolitan Police requirement
that everyone attending must have a named ticket due to the security around this event.
Should you have any questions about Festival of Remembrance, please contact

Help us to raise £2 million more this Poppy Appeal!
Thanks to the incredible support of our Poppy Appeal Organisers and collectors, 2023 was a
fantastic year for the Poppy Appeal raising £50 million, enabling us to provide much needed support
to the Armed Forces Community.
Our key focus now is recruitment. How can you help?
• Do you know anyone in your community who might be willing to support us?
• Do you have a network on social media and would be willing to share our social media content
which appeals for volunteers?
• Would you be prepared to take on an organiser role, or become a Poppy Appeal collector?

Remembering Kosovo – 25 Years On
On 23 June we recognised both former serving personnel as well as those currently serving who
have supported the peace-keeping mission in Kosovo with a commemorative event at the National
Memorial Arboretum (NMA) in Staffordshire.
June saw the significant milestone of the 25th anniversary of the end of the War in Kosovo and the
deployment of the NATO peace-support force, KFOR. For a quarter of a century, British forces have
been dedicated to support the maintenance of peace and stability in Kosovo.
The event – held within the Armed Forces Memorial at the NMA – remembered the service and
sacrifice of veterans, their families and currently serving personnel. The British Army Band Catterick
provided music, and former personnel from each of the services recounted their memories of supporting the peace in Kosovo and gave a sense of the wide-ranging duties of British personnel.
Among those giving their testimonies was former marine Royal Marine Commando Harris Tatakis
who was on his first operational deployment. Harris remarked: “I learned things that have stayed with
me and have been useful in situations I found myself in later, on deployment in Iraq and
Afghanistan… British forces won hearts and minds in Kosovo; the experience of working with
civilians made me a better Marine; and I feel we had saved a lot of lives and left Kosovo in a better

Celebrating the Armed Forces in Warwick
Warwick RBL Branch, in collaboration with Warwickshire and Birmingham County President, Elaine
Butler and Warwick District Council, held a community event for Armed Forces Day to celebrate and
thank current and former members of the Armed Forces and their families.
Developed around the theme of ‘our allies’, the event was bigger than usual and aimed to engage a
diverse community with Armed Forces Day. The day included a Sikh Gatka martial arts display and
Khukuri Gurkha dance, while catering options included a Sikh Langar. Additionally, displays from
local military museums, Commonwealth War Graves, the Sikh Soldier, and Why Are West Indians
were on offer, as well as diverse musical performances and free children’s activities and food.
Planning of the event was undertaken with the support of Warwickshire and Birmingham County
President, Elaine Butler, who previously worked on the Solihull Armed Forces Community Garden,
which was recently featured in ITV’s Alan Titchmarsh's Gardening Club. Discussing the event, Elaine
said: “Warwick wanted to go for an AFD event but hadn't been very successful in previous years, so
asked if I would join them and assist with the planning. Consequently, this became a very large
Elaine continued: “The RBL is now associated with a new group of people, previously not so high
profile, and I am thrilled for us and the public who hopefully see us in a new and innovative local
role. Encouraging Councils and organisations to partner on projects is so beneficial to everyone and
forms excellent relationships.”

D-Day Commemorations in Germany
Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia
To commemorate D-Day 80, the RBL District of Germany held a Memorial Service attended by
members of the local garrison, the Anglo German Club, the English Language Christian Mission in
North West Europe and veterans.

The service began with a parade of standards by the District Standard Bearers under the command
of Robert Thompson, District Parade Marshal. An Act of Remembrance was recited by Robert Millar,
District Chairman, with two minutes silence and dipped standards. After this, Paderborn Branch
President Lieutenant Colonel David Crimmins recited a bible reading, followed by a reflection held
by the Reverend Richard Downes BEM, Royal British Legion Germany Chaplain.
After the Service, the District Chairman awarded Robert Thompson with the runners up certificate of
the Lewis Shield, a National RBL Award presented to a disabled person who has inspired people to
observe the objects and values of the Legion. The event concluded with a buffet prepared by Bryan
Seal, Paderborn Branch Treasurer. Overall the event was a good success and raised €124 for the
Poppy Appeal through donations.
Robert Millar would like to thank the Branch for hosting the event, and the Standard bearers for doing
what they do without any fuss. A big thank you is extended to Padre Richard for stepping in at short
notice and preparing an interesting service.
For further information regarding the Royal British Legion Overseas, contact Robert Millar, Overseas
Membership Council Representative, on rmillar@britishlegion.org.uk.

Remembering D-Day in South Wales
Gwent, South Wales
A recent event in Gwent got a mention in the Senedd and was picked up by local press.

To commemorate 80 years since D-Day, Blackwood RBL branch
organised a morning of remembrance, with more than 100 people,
including Veterans, serving personnel and local school children,
paying their respects in a ceremony at Cefn Fforest Cenotaph.
Afterwards, there was a chance of pace, with school children singing
both national anthems and a choir performing old classics like Run
Rabbit Run. Food, a wartime memorabilia display, 1940’s hairstyling
and more were on offer to attendees, creating an engaging event for
The event was a big success and well attended, including by local politicians and dignitaries,
including Lord Don Touhig. 

June 2024

A thank you on Volunteers’ Week
This week, as we celebrate the contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK, The
Membership Directorate would like to say a very heartfelt thank you for volunteering your time, skills,
and passion with RBL.
We are grateful to all those who volunteer - from our County and Branch Officers who work tirelessly
to keep RBL’s presence strong in their local area – ensuring our Armed Forces Community has friends
and allies in every community, to our Poppy Appeal volunteers who raise millions of pounds each year
and keep the message of Remembrance strong.
There are so many RBL volunteers across the UK and overseas, and each and every one plays an
important part in what we do - and for that, we give a huge thank you.

Annual Conference 2024 wrap-up
This year we saw over 500 Delegates and visitors attend Annual Conference in person in Newport,
with almost 250 joining us online. A very busy weekend was also a weekend of firsts for RBL,
including in the opening of Conference on Saturday – look out for July’s Legion magazine to find
out more!
Conference gave us an opportunity to celebrate the excellence of our members, clubs and
formations in the Annual Membership Awards presentation ceremony. The awards recognise those
who work so passionately in the name of RBL and its values, and we extend our sincere
congratulations to all the winners and runners-up. We will share more about their achievements on
the Annual Conference webpage soon.
However, we cannot remember the weekend without reflecting on the passing of National
President Vice Admiral Sir Clive Johnstone KBE CB shortly after the close of Conference. Sir Clive
was incredibly passionate about RBL and believed deeply in our vital work. At the opening of
Conference, he spoke with unflinching passion about this organisation and the work that we do,
emphasising the importance of coming together and working in union.
Thank you to all who attended and helped make the event a successful, productive Conference.
We also want to thank Conference attendees who took part in our post-event feedback survey.
This has provided us with valuable insights to help deliver Conference going forward.

D-Day 80 Commemorations
We will be marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day, on 6th June 2024, with events in the UK and
Normandy, as well as with community events around the UK.
1. National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) Service – 6th June
Alongside a public service, RBL will welcome D-Day and Normandy veterans and their families in a
VIP area. The NMA will remain open to the public on 6th June and visitors are welcome to watch the
service in the grounds, commencing at 2pm. Visit the webpage for further information.
2. Service of Commemoration marking the 80th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings – 5th
RBL will be holding an event at the Bayeux War Cemetery, France for Normandy and other WW2
veterans, families of the fallen, and descendants of Normandy veterans.
3. British National Event to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings – 6th June
With the Ministry of Defence, RBL will hold the British National Event at the Ver-Sur-Mer British
Normandy Memorial in France to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings. This event
will be broadcast on the BBC at 9:30am UK time on Thursday 6th June.

Developing future Remembrance initiatives
Each year, individuals from across the UK and overseas unite to honour the service and sacrifice of
our Armed Forces community. We’re eager to learn how supporters and members have connected
with their local communities to inspire participation in Remembrance activities and have produced a
brief survey. We would appreciate a few minutes of your time - your feedback will help to inform the
development of future Remembrance initiatives. You can take the survey here. Thank you.

Remembering Kosovo: 25 Years On
This year RBL will remember the 25th anniversary of the end of the Kosovo War, which saw the
deployment of the NATO-led international peacekeeping force – KFOR. 2024 also marks the 75th
anniversary of the establishment of NATO. RBL will honour the service and sacrifices of those who
served with KFOR with a Service of Remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum,
Staffordshire, on Sunday 23rd June 2024.
We look forward to welcoming all Armed Forces personnel who served with NATO’s KFOR mission
and/or their families to join us for the service. To attend, please register online by Monday 10th June.
Should you have any questions please contact remembranceevents@britishlegion.org.uk.

Teaching Remembrance
RBL's Teaching Remembrance Learning Programme offers a wide range of free resources and events
for school children and their teachers, youth groups and families, including:
• Free downloadable learning resources, available online all year round.
• Free in-person and online events, including educational workshops and assemblies.
• Learning activities linked to the National Curriculum and Curriculum for Wales.
In May, the Teaching Remembrance Learning Programme launched a brand-new, free resource to
help young people understand and mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Based on a new book, it
includes a range of reading, writing and creative activities linked to the Second World War and D-Day
and those who served in them. Through these educational activities young people can help to honour
and remember those who experienced these events, keeping their memory alive.

Simpler membership enquiries
We are simplifying the way you can get in touch with membership enquiries, providing a clearer
process and more consistent, timely responses. From 1st July 2024 all general membership
enquiries that are not for your MEO should be sent to membershipservices@britishlegion.org.uk.
You can still contact your Membership Engagement Officer (MEO) as usual for matters including:
• Day to day running / management of branches and counties
• Local membership matters
• Compliance queries, including branch accounts and MS1s
All other membership enquiries should be sent to membershipservices@britishlegion.org.uk only.
Please do encourage your members to send their membership enquiries to this address.

Improving membership communications
We are working on a plan to improve our communications with all members at all levels. In order to
make meaningful, positive improvements, it is important we have a clear understanding of what is
going well, what is going less well and what gaps are in need of addressing.
To help us understand this, please use this short survey to share your thoughts on our current
communications and engagement. We would encourage you to share this link with other members.
Your feedback is vital and will help develop our new communications strategy and improve the
membership experience. The survey closes at 5pm on Monday 8th July.

Festival of Remembrance 2024
Our Festival of Remembrance will be held in the Royal Albert Hall, London on Saturday 9th
November 2024 with performances at 2pm and 7pm.
• Evening tickets will go on sale to members on Tuesday 23rd July.
• Afternoon tickets will go on sale to members on Tuesday 30th July.
Further information about the festival and how to purchase them will be available soon on the RBL
website. Should you have any questions at this stage, please contact festival@britishlegion.org.uk.

A General Election has been announced - here’s how you can get involved:
On 22nd May, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a General Election will take place on Thursday,
4th July 2024. RBL and PoppyScotland have already launched our Manifesto, highlighting our
priorities for the next UK government to better support our Armed Forces community.
We will need your help to ensure your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) know about
our General Election manifesto and pledge to prioritise better support for our Armed Forces
community if elected. Sign up to our Campaigner Community to receive details on how you can get
in contact with your Parliamentary candidates in the coming weeks.
We need the help of members like you to make sure the next Government prioritises giving our
Armed Forces community the support they deserve for their service and sacrifice.
A campaign win: England to get a Veterans’ Commissioner thanks to your support
In November 2023, we launched a petition calling on the UK government to appoint a Veterans’
Commissioner for England. Veterans’ Commissioners in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are
already dedicated to advocating for the veteran community. We felt it was important to ensure that
the support available to all veterans across the UK is consistent.

Over 1,400 of our supporters, including many members, staff and volunteers, signed our petition
which we delivered to the Office of Veterans’ Affairs in December. Thanks to this work, we are
delighted that the Government will appoint a National Veterans’ Commissioner to cover England.
We will work with the new Commissioner to ensure that our Armed Forces community across the
whole of the UK receives the support they deserve. Read our official statement here.

Bringing remembrance to life
National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire
A group of students visiting the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) in Staffordshire recently got a
taste of what life was like on the home front during World War II.
Visiting a new immersive exhibit, The Year Was 1944, students explored a gallery that had been
transformed into a wartime home and could sit in a replica Anderson Shelter. In a chance encounter
with another visitor, some also heard what it felt like, as a child, to sit in an Anderson Shelter during
an air raid.
The visitor, who was seven years old when the war finished, recalled the days of the bombings. “It
just felt like the norm to hear the air raid sirens and go into the shelters. In fact, me and my friends
would play a game counting how many roof tiles the house and school had lost once it was over.”
This brief conversation inside the replica shelter really brought the exhibit to life for the students who
couldn’t wait to share it with the rest of their group.
The NMA hopes to see many more schools and visitors using the space to learn over the coming
months. The exhibition is open to the public until 3rd November at the National Memorial Arboretum,