poppy field






Armistice Day is Saturday 11/11/2017

Sunday 12 November - There will be a March Past through Formby village by The Standard Bearers and ex-Service personel to Holy Trinity Church where a Service will be held at 15.00hrs.

Please note the following times:-

9:30am - Service at St. Michaels Church, Altcar.
11:00am - Remembrance, Hightown War Memorial.
11:10am  - Service at St. Stephens Church, Hightown.
12:30pm - Remembrance, Ince Blundell War Memorial.
3:00pm - Remembrance Service at Holy Trinity Church, Formby.
   After the Service at approx TBA the Parade will form up in Rosemary Lane and March back through the village to the War Memorial, where the salute will be taken by the Mayor of Sefton then on to TBA.

There will be a reception at the Gild Hall, Formby afterwards.

Usual Service on Friday 11 November 2016 at 10:45 at the War Memorial followed by a short ceremony at the Polish War Graves behind Our Lady's Church at 11:30am.