poppy field

Eastwood and District


WOW !!! The numbers are in....

The Number are finally in from The Sun Inn Scooter Club.

If you remember the scooter club departed from Eastwood with the intention of raising £1 per mile of their 1348 epic journey.  Well...they have well and truly smashed that original amount expected and nearly doubled that! the final count of the money raised by them was £2454.50 !!!

A huge congratulations and a massive thankyou to all the Members of the Sun Inn Scooter  club who took part in this and raised this amazing amount!



Latest News..

Recently The Sun Inn Scooter Club completed an Epic 1348 mile round trip to the Orkney Isles to raise money for the Eastwood and District Branch.

Departure day

Their Target was to Raise £1348 - a pound a mile, but that target has been smashed according to the riders of the scooter club, and money is still coming in now they have returned. Once all the money has been collected and counted we will update you.

Return Day

From the Committee and the Members of the Eastwood branch id like to say a very BIG thankyou to the Scooter club, and well done!