poppy field

Dursley & Cam

Remembrance in Dursley & Cam

As an amalgamated branch we are responsible for two Remembrance events within our area. The first is held in the morning at the War Memorial on Cam Hopton Green in Cam. This parade is organised on behalf of Cam Parish Council. The service assembles from 10.30am onwards with wreath laying on the memorial just after 11am. The parade then marches past the Memorial for a salute. In recent years refreshments have been provided in the old school house.

Our second parade is in Dursley Town Centre. We assemble in the May Lane bus station at 2.30pm and then march down to St James' church. There follows a service in the church which ends at about 4pm. Wreaths are laid on the memorial gates and the parade marches back to May Lane.

Thanks must also go to Mr Ian Smith who has for many years played the Last Post at both the Cam and Dursley services.