poppy field

Dursley & Cam

Branch History

We now know that Dursley Branch was formed in 1922 so can claim to be one of the earliest branches of the British Legion, as it was then. The branch opened a club in May Lane in 1947 and at its height had over 500 members. Due to falling income and falling membership the club closed in 1999 and although the building was used for meetings and storage for a while it was sold off in 2006 for a ridiculous amount of money. The branch began meeting in the Lions Den across the road.

Cam Branch was formed in 1935 and had its own meeting place and small clubhouse in Cam but the branch closed in 1985 and the clubhouse was abandoned and vandalised. Cam branch was gifted a plot of land in 1955 but when legal action became necessary to preserve the integrity of the land the branch was reformed in 1990.

The two branches were amalgamated in 2006 and until the standards were laid up the following year, we carried them both together. Cam standard was laid up in St Barts in Cam and the Dursley standard in St James in Dursley. The new Dursley & Cam standard was dedicated in St James and the service was attended by the then National President Air Marshal Ian MacFadyen and the County President Col Martin Jones. 

The new branch has gone from strength to strength. We out grew the Lions Den so we moved our permanant HQ to the Dursley & District Community Centre the same year. In 2008 the branch hosted the Gloucestershire County Conference for the first time ever (we think).