poppy field

Dursley & Cam

Annual Events

Anzac Parade, Leighterton

This annual event, now organised by Gloucestershire County RBL, is normally quite well attended by county branches and other service organisations. It commemorates the lives of 22 young Australian and New Zealand pilots who were killed during training at the former Leighterton airfield in the First World War. Their graves and their memorial are in the neat village cemetary and provides a focal point for the service. We normally arrive a little after 12 noon to take advantage of the quiet village atmosphere and the quaint village pub. The action starts nearer 1430h (2.30pm if you're a civi) when the band, the Lord Lieutenant et all start turning up. Suitably refreshed we form up in three ranks behind the band and the standards before marching the quarter mile or so to the cemetary.

Little Vintage Show, Cambridge

We have been going to this event since 2007 although it is just outside our area. This show, organised locally, consists of exhibits of vintage and classic cars and lorries; vintage steam and diesel engines and pumps; some military vehicles as well as static exhibits, trade stands and charity stands. We have found it well worth the effort as it is on our door step and we will always take advantage of an opportunity to meet the public.

County Conference

There are over 60 branches in Gloucestershire and the conference is a chance for branch delegates to elect county officers and committee members. Its also a good opportunity to meet members from other branches. We have consistently supported the conference.