poppy field


Photo Gallery

VE Day 75th Anniversary - 8th May 2020 





Dunmow Carnival 2018 

Dunmow Carnival - Kerrie May , Caden May , Kevin May

Dunmow Carnival - Kerrie May , Caden May , Sanchia Woodiss , Billy Ford

Great Easton Soapbox Race 2018



Armistice Day 2017


Remembrance Sunday 2017

Dunmow Remembrance 12-11-17 (55)

Dunmow & District Branch Members attending the Remembrance Sunday parade at Great Dunmow, 2017

Dunmow Remembrance 12-11-17 (18)

Our Chairman and Vice-Chairman showing their respects at the Remembrance Sunday parade at Great Dunmow, 2017

Dunmow Remembrance 12-11-17 (53)

Members of the Dunmow & District Branch prior to parading at the Dunmow Carnival

Dunmow Carnival

Young and Old collecting at the Dunmow Carnival Parade

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Our Poppy Stall at the Dunmow Carnival

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Our newest member, the Poppy (aka Kerrie)

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Our Poppy Stall at Easton Lodge

Poppy Stall At Easton Lodge

Great Dunmow War Memorial

Dunmow War Memorial