poppy field


Photo Gallery

 A selection of photo's from Dungannon/Moy Branch are available below:

Fest Of Remembrance 2018

Fest Of Remembrance 2018 P

Festival of Remembrance in Dungannon 21 September 2018

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GP 90 Wreath Layed by the Branch President Noel Irwin at the Menin Gates Yepes 0n 8th August 2018


Branch Deputy Standard Bearer Steven Cairns, Branch President Noel Irwin, Branch Standard Bearer and Branch Chairman David Cuddy who is carrying the District Standard at GP90 2018


Act of Remembrance

At Derryfubble Road Dungannon in Remembrance for the 3 Scottish Soldiers from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who were killed on 10 September 1972 by a 500lb culvert bomb which destroyed a Sarcen Armoured Vehicle.

RBL Site Of Three Soldiers Murdered Benburb Road (28) (1) (1)

RBL Site Of Three Soldiers Murdered Benburb Road (33) (2)

RBL Site Of Three Soldiers Murdered Benburb Road (24)


John Spalding and wife visit the bomb site for Act of Remembrance on Monday 24th July 2017 at 19:30 hrs


 John Spalding and wife, David Cuddy BEM Branch Chairman and Branch Standard Bearer, Branch President Noel Irwin MBE


Members of Dungannon/Moy Branch at the Bomb Site


  ACF Dungannon open detachment carrying out the task as the Quarter Guard at our annual 1st July Parade 2017






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Comrade Margaret Willis presenting Dungannon/Moy Branch (at the AGM 11th October 2016) with this Plague on behalf of her husband Comrade Joshua Willis BEM on his retirement as the Branch President.  Holding this piece of Art is the newly elected Branch Chairman Comrade David Cuddy and the newly appointed Branch President Comrade Noel Irwin.


Left to Right - Branch President Noel Irwin, Branch Chairman and the Branch Standard Bearer David Cuddy and the Branch Vice Chairman Eric Jardine displaying their awards received at the Northern Ireland Conference in January 2017

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The Branch Chairman David Cuddy who is also the Branch Standard Bearer taking 2nd Place in the Senior standard Bearers Competition in 2016.



Comrade Eric Jardine the Branch Vice Chairman, Comrade David Cuddy the Branch Chairman and also the Branch Standard Bearer, Comrade Noel Irwin the Branch President

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Poppy Awards Night on Thursday 25 May 2017

Comrade Jonny Spence Assistant Poppy Organiser, Comrade Noel Irwin the Branch President, Comrade David Cuddy the Branch Chairman and Comrade Jolene Spence the Poppy Organiser.

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Mrs Jolene Spence (Branch Poppy Organiser) manning the Gazebo at a Branch Legion in the Community and Recruiting Event 12 July 2017 


Mr Noel Irwin manning the Gazebo at a Branch Legion in the Community and Recruiting Event on 12 July 2017 


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Dungannon/Moy Branch Legion in the Community and Recruiting Event at the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme hosted by Dungannon Presbyterian Church 


100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme hosted by Dungannon Presbyterian Church

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Legion in the Community and Recruiting Event


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The Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge Dublin Saturday 11th July 2015

Dungannon/Moy Branch delegates at Islandbridge Dublin 11 July 2015 Back Row: GP4 Standard Bearer Curtis Stewart, Branch Standard Bearer David Cuddy and Womens Section Standard Bearer Rosemary Lee.  Front row: Branch Chairman Noel Irwin (who layed the Wreath for Dungannon/Moy Branch) and Branch Treasurer John Clayton.




The Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge Dublin Saturday 09th July 2016

Dungannon/Moy Branch delegates at Islandbridge Dublin 9th July 2016 Back Row: Richard Devlin,Branch Standard Bearer David Cuddy, Curtis Stewart and Eric Jardine.  Front row: Stanley Steenson, Issac Kay, Branch Chairman Noel Irwin and Branch Treasurer John Clayton and Rosemary Lee.

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The Royal British Legion Stand Bearers on Parade in Islandbridge Dublin

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The Royal British Legion Northern Ireland members carrying the Books of Remembrance at the Somme Commemorations in the Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge Dublin Saturday 09th July 2016 .  Right to left: George Black Northern Ireland Chairman, John Stewart Northern Ireland Vice Chairman, Sheila Thompson Northern Ireland Women's Section, Representative to Central Committee and Noel Irwin Northern Ireland District Committee (NIDC).


The Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge Dublin Saturday 08th July 2017

Dungannon/Moy Branch delegates at Islandbridge Dublin on 8th July 2017 Back Row: Albert Ferguson, Stanley Steenson, Richard Devlin, Branch Treasurer John Clayton Front row: Branch Vice Chairman Eric Jardine, Branch President Noel Irwin, Branch Chairman and Branch Standard Bearer David Cuddy, Jeffery McKinney, Branch Secretary David Lawson and Noel Murry


The Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge Dublin Saturday 08th July 2017

Dungannon/Moy Branch delegates at Islandbridge Dublin on 8th July 2017 Left to Right: Branch Secretary David Lawson, Albert Ferguson, Jeffery McKinney, Branch President Noel Irwin, Stanley Steenson, Richard Devlin, Noel Murry, Branch Treasurer John Clayton.


 The Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge Dublin Saturday 07th July 2018

Menin Gate

The Menin Gates

David Cuddy The Branch Standard Bearer

Dungannon/Moy Branch Standard Bearer (Comrade David Cuddy) at the MENIN GATE BELGIUM - July 2015

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 Dungannon/Moy Branch Standard Bearer (Comrade David Cuddy) at the MENIN GATE BELGIUM - July 2015

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 Dungannon/Moy Standard Bearer David Cuddy carrying the Northern Ireland District Standard at the Menin Gates - June 2017 



Dungannon/Moy Branch Standard Bearer Comrade David Cuddy winning the Novice Standard Competition on Sat 3rd October 2015


Comrade David Cuddy (Dungannon/Moy Branch Standard Bearer) being presented with the Shelia Sheild for most promising Standard Bearer

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Dungannon/Moy Branch Standard Bearer Comrade David Cuddy taking 2nd Place in the Senior Standard Bearers Competition on Saturday 1st October 2016


Dungannon/Moy Branch Standard Bearer Comrade David Cuddy taking 2nd Place in the Senior Standard Bearers Competition on Saturday 30th September 2017 



 Dungannon Primary School Event




A Candle Lit Vigil was held at Dungannon War Memorial on 4th August 2014 at 23:00 hrs marking the centenary on the outbreak of the First World War.

LIGHTS OUT takes inspiration from the famous words of wartime Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, who remarked on August 3rd 1914: “the lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our life-time”.

Charles Byrne, Director of Fundraising at The Royal British Legion, said:

“Sir Edward Grey’s stirring words are the campaign’s foundation. Our vision is that over one million candles will be lit across the UK, commemorating every Service man and woman who died during WW1. We hope to see candles lit at every war memorial, community centre and home in every village and in every community.

“This is one of a number of initiatives the Legion has undertaken to commemorate the anniversary of the First World War, when we hope to pass the torch of remembrance onto a younger generation ensuring there will always be a living legacy to those who sacrificed their today for our tomorrows.”

Candle              Candle           



Legion and Members of the Public at the Candle Lit Vigil held at 23:00hrs on the  4th August 2014


Candle Lit Vigil - 23:00hrs 4th August 2014


Candle Lit Vigil - 23:00hrs 4th August 2014


Candle Lit Vigil - 4th August 2014 at 23:00hrs


Candle Lit Vigil - 4th August 2014 at 23:00 hrs


Candle Lit Vigil - 4th August 2014 at 23:00 hrs


Candle Lit Vigil - 4th August 2014 at 23:00 hrs


Planting Tree With Mayor 0001

Dungannon Mayor Mr Kenny Reid hosts a reception to mark 90th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion.   The Mayor of Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council with local officals of the Dungannon Branch beside the tree planted in the grounds of the Council Offices to mark the 90th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion.



Poppy Certificates being awarded to Mrs Ivy Williams, Mrs Rosemary Lee and the Branch Chairman Mr Noel Irwin by the Northern Ireland Vice Chairman Mr John Stewart.

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The Northern Ireland Chairman Mr George Black presenting the Branch Chairman Noel Irwin with the GOLD BADGE for meritious and conspicuous service to the Royal British Legion, considered to be above that normally expected of a Branch Member 






Branch President Comrade Josh Willis BEM presenting Comrade John Clayton with the Branch Certificate.


Branch Chairman Comrade Noel Irwin presenting Comrade David Cuddy with the Branch Certificate.








Sarah Waugh, N. Ireland Chairman George Black - Dungannon/Moy Branch Chairman Noel Irwin and Commander John Gray Royal Navy



Meeting the Mayor (Mr Roger Burton) in Dungannon Council Offices



Mayors Reception in the Council Offices Dungannon

 The Royal British Legion Dungannon/Moy Branch meeting the Mayor of Dungannon (Mr Roger Burton) in the Council Offices


Branch Chairman Noel Irwin meeting the Rt Hon. Jeffery Donaldson


Issac, John and Noel manning the Branch Legion in the Community (LIC) stand in Castlecaulfield.

N. I. Conf


  LIC display at the Northern Ireland Conference. 



RCL Legion Branch 11 Zone D District C Canada visiting Dungannon/Moy Branch


RCL Legion Branch 11 Zone D District C Canada visiting Dungannon/Moy Branch

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    Branch Chairman Noel Irwin and the Parade Marshal Tommy Gates


Shaun with his two sons on Parade at Remembrance Sunday, he is grooming them to become future Standard Bearers for Dungannon/Moy Branch 


Ran House


 Members of Dungannon/Moy Branch the Royal British Legion in Ranfurley House Market Square Dungannon. 

Northern Ireland District Vice Chairman




   Dungannon/Moy Branch President after being sworn in as the new Northern Ireland District Vice Chairman on 27th January 2018

V.Chair CONF

Dungannon/Moy Branch President Comrade Noel Irwin being sworn in as the new Northern Ireland District Vice Chairman 27th January 2018