poppy field


Feb 24

Colerne Royal British Legion

Wed 7th Feb 2024 at 2000 – Colerne Liberal Club

1. Welcome & Introductions Chair
Al, Paul, Jim, Brian. M
Welcome Brian. Burchfield

2. Apologies, Minutes and Actions Secretary/Al
Apologies: Bill, Mark, Kay, Jack and Tom

3. Finances (to approve) Treasurer
£15 from Christmas Cards for payment into the branch account.

4. Wall of Fame update Chair
Al – Speak to Graham Bicknell and Gerry Dain about decorating the Feature Wall.
Al – suggested that why don’t we speak to Nat and Ben Pike and throw on a curry night for the Colerne branch RBL to celebrate the opening of the Wall of fame and offer curry to any locals present on the evening.

5. Poppy Removal Date
Thursday 21st March – Al to liaise with Steve Bell and to email Sheila Parker to inform her of the Poppy removal date.

6. Normal Cutter – Condolences and Support Al
Al visited Xena (Normans Wife) and offered the condolences of the branch.

7. Tree Maintenance and Clearing (Franks Wood & Jubilee Trees)
Al and Paul discussed a working party to clear the undergrowth from around the Franks Wood trees. There should also be a visit to the Jubilee Trees to check how they are.
Al to liaise with the Woodland Trust to gain approval to clear around the trees.

8. Annual Calendar Events
• May Fair
• June – Devizes 2 Westminster start training
• June – 22nd Armed Forces Day / Station Fete?
• Summer Social? – nominations, dates, organiser
• Summer Veterans Event – show of interest?
• Remembrance Day

9. Project Pill Box Jim. L
• Liaise with Defence Land Org? email sent to Dave Bates (no response)
• Work Parties to clear Pill Box area
• Liaise with Bob/Robert Childs regarding Historical Overlay to village walking map

10. Brian Matthews – Invite to Pottern this Summer
Brian. M kindly passed on the details of John Chandler jochndler@gmail.com
LL: 01380 725643 M: 07969 798257
Who has offered a social at his farm in Pottern this Summer/Autumn.

11. AOB Secretary
Al to liaise with Phil Chamberlain to change POC details for Colerne Branch RBL
Al to add Brian Burchfield to the RBL WhatsApp group

12. DONM - Wednesday 6th March 2024