The Poppy Appeal in Colchester
Colchester United sold their remembrance football jerseys on 24/01/2015 and raised over £800 for the Poppy Appeal
Colchester RBL Chairman Mike McCarron together with Vice Chairman Graham Giddy and James Burgoyne accepting a cheque for £819.04 from Colchester United Football Club.

So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Colchester who again have been so generous.
The money collected at this time and from numerous other fundraising activities throughout the year, goes to providing help and support to serving and ex-Servicemen and women and their families.
The Opening of the 2014 Colchester P0PPY SHOP
Many thanks To Jess Jephott for the above clip
The 2014 Poppy Appeal Launch began in October and due to the generosity of the Red Lion Yard management once again we can locate our poppy shop in Red Lion Yard
100 plus Poppy Collectors who generously give their valuable time around Colchester help last years Poppy Appeal
Click on each photo to enlarge and access the slide show
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