poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Colchester

In early November each year some 80 Legion volunteers take to the streets of Colchester  with poppies and collecting boxes, raising thousands of pounds for the Poppy Appeal.
This Branch has shown its fundraising skills by once again improving on its Poppy Appeal total. In 2010 Colchester raised £54,000, this year our total has so far reach £73,000

So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Colchester who have been so generous again.

The money collected at this time and from numerous other fundraising activities throughout the year, goes to providing help and support to serving and ex-Service men and women and their dependants.


The 2011 Poppy Appeal rolls on into 2012 until the new Launch in October 2012

Michelle has been busy again organising two fund raising events

The first was to persuade Colchester United player Karl Duguid to suffer a Hair raising time

Our thanks to Soleil Beauty salon in the willows http://www.soleiltanning.co.uk/

Who helped raise £160 for the poppy Appeal



Photo of Michelle McCabe and Karl Duguid

The second event

A fundraising buffett with a singer at Grymes Dyke Centre raising a further £84.50

Michelle will also be running a Raffle stall at the Colchester Food and Drink Festival


2011 Poppy Launch at the Merville Barracks

This Years Colchesters Poppy Launch is combined with the County Launch on Thursday 27th of October at 11.00

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The Opening of the 2011 Poppy shop in Red Lion Yard

by the Mayor Cllr Helen Chuah

Shop -5

2011 National Poppy Appeal

Anyone interested in helping in this years Poppy Appeal from the 31st of October through to the 12th of November should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator, 


100 plus Poppy Collectors who generously give their valuable  time around Colchester help the Appeal

Click on each photo to enlarge and access the slide show

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