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For Local Welfare Support in the Chippenham Area


If you require welfare assistance, in the first instance you should call the Legion on our FREE phone number 0808 802 8080 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Republic of Ireland 1800 992 294 (free), Overseas +44 (0) 20 3376 8080 (full rate). You may also wish to visit our online support here.

Where needed, a Welfare Officer will then be instructed to contact you. 


Worried About Money?


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The Royal British Legion have partnered with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). Together we provide a free, independent and confidential Benefits and Money Advice (BMA) service. Specialist BMA Staff are willing to offer advice and guidance on your financial worries. 

To contact Wiltshire CAB by phone call 0844 375 2775  (from a landline) or 0300 456 8375  (from a mobile); or go to the Wiltshire CAB web page by clicking here.




SNN3010X--_1593066a.jpgAre you a Foreign & Commonwealth Serviceman/Woman or Dependant?

The Army Families Federation provide a vast amount of guidance, information and advice on benefits, tax credits, working in the UK, employment support, passport applications, visas and much more. Go to the AFF F&C page  https://aff.org.uk/




