poppy field


 John Ross Cup

John Ross Cup - CAMBORNE BRANCH- In recognition of their efforts and progress made throughout 2011.

County Chairman's Cup - CAMBORNE BRANCH - In recognition of their sterling efforts, enthusiasm and determination to further the aims of The Royal British Legion, within their local area in 2011.

•       Club closed - saw a loss of substantial amount of members;
•       Regrettably, majority of Branch Committee had to resign due to other commitments
         and sadly the longstanding Branch Secretary passed away.
•       Branch members made the decision to close yet some stalwart members decided
         that they would not see the loss of the RBL presence within the local area;
•       Mr Ted Williams (long standing member & CPM) rallied his contacts together who,
         after some persuasion, accepted the roles within the Branch Committee;
•       Since the Branch's resurrection from the brink of closure the Committee and
         members have gone from strength to strength.  They have:
         o  Held numerous LIC events throughout the year;
         o  Produced a leaflet to advertise the RBL Membership within Camborne (pushed out 
             in local paper - paid for out of own funds);
         o  Holding talks with local cadet units ref affiliation;
         o  Secured a shop to carry out Poppy Appeal - generated an increase of over 8%

•       Camborne Branch are truly deserving of this award and can only be seen as a credit
         to the RBL! 

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