poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

Boddington Christmas Crafts 2019

As you can see from the image below, as far as we were concerned the main objective of our attending Boddington's Craft Fayre in their Village Hall on Sunday 1st December 2019 was to display their local school's entries into our 2019 competition to create a Christmas Card. All their efforts were displayed behind their PTA's goody stall except the winners, which were on the RBL's table.

The winning entries are shown in the image below, together with afternoon tea - an unexpected delight served at our table on a silver tray - we were honoured. The winners were difficult to select but attention to detail was the deciding factor. We were also impressed by the little ones entering, so decided to add a prize. Those entries were very similar, so we chose the youngest to represent them all.

We were also completely surprised just before the youngsters started singing carols around the Christmas tree by the announcement that donations to the Royal British Legion were encouraged; the PTA even provided a couple of buckets to hold the collection! And the villagers attending were very generous, by the end of the afternoon we had collected £85.13, for which we are extremely grateful. That will go towards our continued support of the RBL's Battle Back Centre in Lilleshall, and their Care Home "Galanos House" in Southam.

The fayre included mostly hand-made articles for sale, with the majority being ideal for alternative Christmas presents. There were also demonstrations of craft work, including a number that youngsters could have a go at, or just to amuse themselves whilst their parents were perusing the often very clever items on show.

Our RBL Member Alison manned our table for the afternoon, with Laurie arriving to help pack-up at the end of the day. Alison took the photo below, which shows your correspondent doing one of the things he does best.