poppy field



Below is a list of dates for your diary on what's happening in the Burbage Branch of The Royal British Legion.


Most Monday mornings at 10 am finds us and other volunteers maintaining the rose garden around the War Memorial or other public parks and gardens in the village. We don't meet on BH Mondays or if the weather is particularly atrocious. Afterwards we often adjourn to a village pub for lunch. Feel free to join us.


Friday 29/07/2022 Quiz night at the Red Lion PH, Windsor Street, Burbage. Everyone is welcome from 7 pm with the quiz scheduled to begin at 8 pm. Entry is £5 to include provision of a faggot batch.


Sunday 13 November 2022 is the date for this year's Remembrance Parade. We form up on Grove Road outside the Infant School at 10.15 am and march off at 10.30 along Grove Road to Church Street, turning right to the War Memorial.