Forthcoming Events:
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A snapshot of some of out Past Events:
05 October 2019 - Quiz Night. This was another well attended fund raising event. The Seth Ward Community Centre was packed with people who enjoyed a fun night that included a Fish & Chips or Chicken & Chips Supper. A big thank you to everybody who attended and supported our Branch in raising funds.
07 September 2019 - Buntingford Classic Car Show. Another successful fund raising event. A big thank you to those who visited our Stall who so generously donated.
23 March 2019 - A Night At The Dogs. This was another very enjoyable and successful evening for the Branch's fund raising efforts at The Seth Ward Community Centre in Buntingford that was well supported by the local community. The monies raised are donated to The Poppy Appeal. The Branch wish to thank the local businesses that contributed by sponsoring races or by the donation of raffle prizes.
13 October 2018 - Quiz Night. The Branch held a very successful Quiz Night that was well supported by our local community. The Seth Ward Community Centre was truly packed with people who all enjoyed the evening. A supper of Fish or Chicken or Veggie Burger all with Chips was served to all participants. The monies raised will supplement our donations to The Poppy Appeal.
13 October 2018 - Cleaning the War Graves in Layston Cemetery.
01 September 2018 - Buntingford Classic Car Show.

Another successful day raising money for The Poppy Appeal. Thank you to everybody who visited our stall and gave so generously.
16 June 2018 - Buntingford Carnival. Another huge thank you to the people of Buntingford and visitors to the Carnival on Saturday. Once again you have been very generous and helped make our total funds received for the Poppy Appeal, on the day, in excess of £400.

Some Branch Members dressed up in period uniforms for the display.
28 April 2018 - 'Night At The Dogs'. A very entertaining and enjoyable evening of fund raising was held at the The Seth Ward Community Centre that was well supported by the local community. The Branch would like to sincerely thank local businesses who provided sponsorship of the races and glorious raffle prizes. Together this enabled the Branch to increase our fund raising activity.
24 November 2017 - Buntingford Late Night Shopping Event. This year we had a stand to entice new members to join our Branch.
02 September 2017 - Buntingford Classic Car Show. We had a successful day fund raising at our Branch Stand. A big thank you to the kind individuals who made a donation during their visit to the town's annual Classic Car Show.
10 June 2017 - Coach Trip to The National Memorial Arboretum. The Branch organised another thought provoking trip to the national site of remembrance. Proceeds from the trip being donated to The Poppy Appeal amounted to £165.01.

Branch Secretary, Mrs Di Bamford and Branch Vice Chairman, Mr Steve Hisgrove laid a wreath at Alrewas on behalf of the Buntingford Branch.
12 November 2016 - Festival Of Remembrance.

Our Branch Standard Bearer, Mr Sion Simpson displayed and paraded our Standard at the national Festival Of Remembrance Service at The Royal Albert Hall in front of Her Majesty The Queen.
29 October 2016 - Quiz Night. The Branch again held a quiz at The Benson Hall that was very well supported and enjoyed by all the participants; raising funds for our Charity. The raffle prizes were once again kindly donated by local businesses.
03 September 2016 - Buntingford Classic Car Show. The Branch again had a stand displaying Poppy Appeal merchandise, resulting in wonderful donations from the Buntingford public.
01-04 July 2016 - Somme 100 Exhibition. In collaboration with Buntingford Town Council, artifacts from World War I were displayed within an Exhibition at the Manor House to remember the 8 local Buntingford men who lost their lives at battle of the Somme.
24 October 2015 - The Branch held a successful fund raising Quiz Night at The Benson Hall, Buntingford. The Branch would again like to offer our sincere thanks to the local businesses who contributed the array of wonderful raffle prizes.
17 October 2015 - The Branch organised a very thought provoking trip to the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas, Staffordshire.

Branch President Mr Peter Branagan and Buntingford Town Mayor Councillor John Noades both laid wreaths at the Armed Forces Memorial during the visit.
11 September 2015 - Past President Mr John Ferris was presented with his Russian Ushakov Medal.

John was presented with his medal by North East Hertfordshire MP, Sir Oliver Heald, on behalf of the Russian Ambassador. The Medal of Ushakov is a state decoration which recognises the courage of sailors who have defended Russia. John's award is for his role while taking part in the notorious Arctic convoys of World War II.
05 September 2015 - Buntingford Classic Car Show. Another year and another well received stall.

The stall displayed an honour board of the Buntingford Fallen from 1915, together with Poppy Appeal merchandise. Another successful day for donations to The Royal British Legion from the town.
08-11 November 2014 - The World War One Centenary Exhibition was repeated within the Manor House, Buntingford over the Remembrance Weekend because of popular demand. The Exhibition displayed memorabilia from the First World War, kindly donated by some town residents, together with a List of The Fallen from the town and display boards generated by Freman College pupils. The Exhibition was held in collaboration between The Town Council, Freman College and our Branch of The Royal British Legion.
25 October 2014 - Another very successful fund raising Branch Quiz Night was held at The Benson Hall, Buntingford. The Branch would again like to offer many thanks to the local businesses who contributed to the array of raffle prizes.
06 September 2014 - Once again we had a stall at Buntingford's Classic Car Show.

The stall displayed memorabilia from World War One, that was kindly loaned to us; honour boards of Buntingford's fallen; plus Poppy Appeal articles. The stall was well received by the town with the resultant donations to The Royal British Legion.
03 August 2014 - A simple Parade and War Memorial Service commemorating the start of The First World War was held by the Branch and The Town Council.

Around 60 people from the Town attended the short Service, during which the names of all the 47 Service personnel from Buntingford who fell during The Great War were called out. The religious Service was shared between the Reverend Duncan Goldie and Father John White. Three wreaths were laid around the War Memorial by Mayor Graham Bonner on behalf of The Town Council; by Mr John Hicks Chairman of Buntingford Royal British Legion; and by Mr Mark Trapmore on behalf of Freman College.
02-03 August 2014 - An Exhibition to Commemorate the outbreak of the Great War 1914-18 was held in collaboration with Buntingford Town Council, Freman College and our Branch in the Council Chambers of The Manor House, Buntingford. On display were First World War artifacts, an honour board of the Fallen, together with displays and written accounts from the students of Freman College.

Over the two days a steady steam of visitors attended the exhibition.
24 May 2014 - Our Relief Standard Bearer, Mr Sion Simpson and three colleagues participated in the 'Welsh 3000' Challenge. This required the scaling of 15 peaks of more than 3000 feet in the Snowdonia National Park within 24 hours. The Group were able to complete the challenge in 16 hours 30 minutes. This sponsored challenge raised monies for both The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and the Help For Heroes charities. So far £1,210 has been collected for the combined charities.
08 May 2014 - Our Vice Chairman and Standard Bearer, Mr Peter Branagan was presented with his15 year RBL Service Certificate and Badge by Branch Chairman Mr John Hicks.

This award is in appreciation and recognition of 15 years loyal assistance to the Poppy Appeal.
13 March 2014 - Our Hon/Secretary, Mrs Di Bamford was presented with her 50 year RBL Service Certificate, Badge and Bar by Branch Chairman Mr John Hicks. The award is in appreciation and recognition for 50 years of loyal and dedicated assistance for the RBL Poppy Appeal.
10 November 2013 - Remembrance Parade. Hundreds of local residents attended our local parade and service.
26 October 2013 - Quiz Night, held at The Benson Hall, Buntingford. A very successful evening, attended by approximately 80 people, who all enjoyed a fish & chips or chicken & chips supper. The Branch would like to thank local businesses and branch members who supplied the numerous raffle prizes.
18 October 2013 - Modern musical concert, held at The Bury, Buntingford, where local group 'Mashed' played to a young audience.
7 September 2013 - Buntingford Classic Car Show. Another very successful day for the Branch.

The stand sold cakes provided by the Branch, together with Royal British Legion merchandise, raising additional monies for the Poppy Appeal with a 'Win a Poppy Bear' tombola, 'Guess Poppy the Dog's Age' and a 50/50 Raffle. Our thanks go to our loyal members who provided the produce.
3 September 2011 - Buntingford Classic Car Show
A successful day was had by the Buntingford branch of the Royal British Legion, who held a stand at the Annual car show for the first time, to highlight the Royal British Legion's 90th Anniversary. We were loaned two vehicles a 1924 Vauxhall model 30/98 by Mr Patrick Blakeney-Edwards of Blakeney Motorsports and a 1986 ex military 90 FFR land rover by Mr Chris Clemmett from MRB Recruitment . The Branch organised a 50-50 raffle and a cake stall which together raised over £800 for the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal, whose aim this year is to raise 90million pounds which is 1 million pounds for each year of the Royal British Legion's existence.
The branch with the help from members from county also recruited five new members for the branch with a lot of interest shown from many more.
Thank you to all the Royal British Legion members and volunteers whose hard work made the day very worthwhile and also all the people who kindly donated cakes for our cake stall which raised over £200. I would also like to thank the car show committee especially Steve Lawson-Smith and Graham Bonner for all there help and advice. Thank you for you continued support see you next year.