poppy field


On 18th September 2013 Malcolm Taylor (Branch Chairman) set off to walk the Hadrian’s Wall Path to raise funds for the Branch Poppy Appeal.  Stretching from the Tyne Estuary to the Solway Firth and rising to 350 metres the path follows the line of the defensive wall completed in AD122 to divide Roman Britain from the land of the Scots.

The Wall and it’s accompanying ditches & military road may have taken the Legions 10 years to build but Malcolm took a leisurely seven days to cover the distance. However he was never alone meeting fellow walkers including six senators (complete with toga & laurel wreath) and one legionary (in full uniform!) along the way.

The Hadrian’s Wall Path runs from the Roman Fort of Segedunum east of Newcastle to the site of that at Maia in Bowness-on-Solway. It passes through woodland, farmland, up windswept  moors, along tall cliffs, culminating in a walk across a tidal marsh; never a boring moment with fantastic views all along the way.

A big thank you to everyone who sponsored me and helped me raise £300 for the Branch 2014 Poppy Appeal


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