poppy field


Broomfield Branch of the Royal British Legion launched their annual Poppy Appeal with a splendid Dinner and Dance at the HQ in Saxon Way. Over 75 members and guests found that the theme of the Poppy had been woven throughout the decorations and complimented the whole occasion. The Branch President opened the proceedings with the traditional Exhortation and the Grace was offered by the Branch Chairman. There followed a fine meal with friendly conversation and happy banter flowing as freely as the wine as new friends were made and old comrades re-united. Speeches and toasts were proffered followed by the highlight of the evening’s purpose.

The Branch Standard was proudly paraded through the gathered diners with suitable pomp and ceremony by Branch Standard Bearer David Parry. A quiet moment of reflection on the Launch of this year’s Poppy Appeal before the Standard was marched off to enthusiastic clapping, mostly in time to the music despite the wine!

The proceeds from a magnificent raffle with super prizes followed by a charity auction kicked off the Appeal in fine style. Music and dancing rounded the evening off and a good time was had by all.

A splendid evening with thanks to those who organised the function, the catering and all those little details that makes for an occasion that suitably reflected the Launch in fine style. Wear your Poppy with pride-lest we forget!

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