poppy field


Lanildut Ceremony


On Friday 3rd February the RBL was represented by our member Jean Michel Crewe at a ceremony to honour the memory of Lieutenant Hawkins, a young British officer lost at sea on the North Finistère coast. He was buried in Lanildut on 3 Feb 1943 having been washed up on the coast after a few weeks at sea. Several local VIPs, together with the Headmistress and schoolchildren of Rives de l’Ildut village school were present.

Tributes were made at the French Cenotaph with the school children placing French flags at the base of the cenotaph and a wreath laid by Admiral René Stéphan, président de l’association Aux Marins and children of the school. The procession paraded in a V shape, the Union Jack was removed to unveil a printed picture of Lt Hawkins. The flag was folded and presented to JM Crewe. Then led by the Tevenn pipe band all present slow marched to the Commonwealth War Graves where the unknown sailor buried in 1917 and Lt Hawkins are laid to rest. The children laid wreaths on behalf of the UNC and a Royal British Legion Poppy wreath, placed the framed portrait and Union Jacks on the CWG and sang “God Save the King”.

Later at a reception in the village hall, the RBL expressed their gratitude and fraternal solidarity to all attending and presented poppy badges to various dignitaries, the Headmistress was presented a poppy brooch and each child participating in the ceremony received a poppy.