poppy field


American-style BBQ ... The evening sun shone down on 50 RBL members and friends as they gathered for an American-style BBQ on Saturday 4th July at the Manoir du Quengo, Rohan. Guests were treated to a welcome drink, a plentiful buffet-style BBQ followed by apple pie & ice cream and a choice of rum punch or coffee provided by Manoir-owner Lyn and her girls.

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One of our older members, Ken Neve, entertained us with a selection of music to sing and dance to and was aided by his brother who had flown in from the UK especially for the event. Some jolly members took a turn around the hay-bales.

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Highlight of the evening, apart from the solo dance by Steve Wake, was the free Grand Quiz and its 25 prizes. Top prize-winners for the evening were Charles & Hazel Dewhirst who left carrying a bottle of Grants Whisky as well as the Ladies raffle prize of a bottle of Champagne. Another bottle of Champagne was won by Dave Totty (Friend of the RBL); Grants Whisky also went to Bill & Helen Wise and Sandra Humphries; and our treasurer, Don Dykes, 'staggered' out carrying his prize of a box of Stella Artois.

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During a quiet moment during the frivolities the organiser, Social Secretary Barbara, took a few moments to put away a whopping burger!

Fish 'n Chip Supper... Some 37 members and friends of the Royal British Legion enjoyed a great Fish 'n Chip Supper Night at Barnacles, near Guern, hosted by Michael and Bryn supporters of the RBL.

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Our secretary Alan Byron performed wonderfully, playing a keyboard kindly loaned to us by Ann Hollingsworth. All Alan's renditions were well known old time songs but for those who had forgotten the words he even provided song sheets. There was laughter, chatter and, all-in-all, the consensus was: "another good do".

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ANZAC Day Tea Dance... Despite the forecast change in the weather to a cold wind and showers, some 35 hardy branch members and guests attended the annual ANZAC Day Tea Dance at the home of Kate and Rodney Curtis. Much coffee, tea, sandwiches and cakes, was consumed and wine and beer was available for those who preferred something stronger.

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As usual, books and videos were on sale but the highlight of the afternoon was an auction of a wide variety of items kindly donated by members and supporters. Auctioneer Rodney, ably supported (or hindered) by Jimmy, soon 'persuaded' buyers for all 35 items, and in one instance in traditional Cash in the Attic style accepted a successful phone bid for an item which produced the highest bid of the day.
Your treasurer was on hand to record (and collect) the bidding details and by the end of the auction over 400€ had been collected. This sum, together with entrance fees and after deduction of expenses, resulted in just over 550€ going towards this year’s Poppy Appeal.
Special thanks must go to Kate and Rodney for yet again hosting the event, and all the hard work it entails, and to Pat and Jimmy Rowe, their able assistants. Grateful thanks too for all those who donated items for the auction and to all those in attendance.