poppy field


Trip to Jersey... On 15th October, 18 members of the Branch went on an overnight trip to Jersey. Despite the early start (7am at St Malo) everyone travelled on the one hour journey in great spirits. The party received good news the day before they left when the travel company, Bontours, told them they had been upgraded to the 3-star Hotel Revere in St Helier.
As can be seen from the pictures, a good time was had by all, the only complaint being: "Why didn't we book that extra night?"


Four of the Branch's hard working members: from the left Dave Belston, the "unofficial" RBL photographer, with his wife Sandra along with Steve and Sandra Wake

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This happy foursome, enjoying their fish and chip supper are from the left: Michael and Elly Riley with Lin and Betty Totty who turned out to be the undisputed Star of the trip

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Barbara Eastwood, Branch Social Secretary, with her husband Harry who had just discovered that Jersey had a B&Q Store!

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Sandra Wake taking the easy way out of the Royal British Legion, Jersey Branch

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Sandra Belston having fun with "Hissing Sid"

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And finally, the photo everyone on the trip was waiting for and proof of what a great time Betty Totty had in Jersey. Here she is pictured with Paul, owner of the famous Hectors Fish & Chip Restaurant in St Helier. Betty tried very hard to get Paul into her suitcase to bring him back to Brittany. But he just would not fit!

Troc & Puces, Sunday 4th October... was our most successful Troc & Puces to date. It is thought that we raised around 1,000 euros (yet to be confirmed by the Treasurer) thanks to a great deal of hard work by many of our members some of whom are pictured below

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Pat and Jimmy Rowe sold over 200 euros worth of items donated by members and friends (a lot of which had to be collected from all over Brittany). On the left is our Standard Bearer, Dave Ball, who entertained many of the visitors for most of the day

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Volunteer, Doreen Bradbury, who worked tirelessly throughout the event on behalf of the Poppy Appeal, selling Poppy Items and running the raffle

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Branch stalwarts John and Shirley Dearden, who once again manned the door from 9:00am to 3:00pm meeting and greeting more than 250 entrants

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Joan Wills (on right) with, Sandra Wake, organiser of the refreshments. (Not shown but working tirelessly in the kitchen were head cook and bottlewasher, Steve Wake, and his pal Geoff)