poppy field


RBL Brighstone and District Branch Isle of Wight

Our branch officers are:

Branch Officers


Mr Reg Hunt BEM


Mr Peter Atkinson
Vice - Chairperson Mr Paul Bradley
Secretary  Mrs Kath Gregory
Treasurer Lt.Col John McGrory (ret)
Membership Secretary Mr Paul Bradley 
Standard Bearer 

Mr Tristan Allen


Ms Jennifer Hunt

Poppy Appeal Co-Ordinator

Ms Charlotte Atkinson


The Royal British Legion Brighstone Branch laid up it's original standards in St Marys Parish Church in 1967.

In 2003 the Branch was resurrected and rededicated.  Membership has risen steadily since then with around 100 members to date. We have been awarded the Salisbury Cup and certificate for six years running for the most increased membership without a club, we have also been runners up twice for the Jellicoe Cup. 

We welcome all visitors to our Branch Meetings and events, especially RBL Members. Our meetings are held bi monthly at 2.00pm in the Wilberforce Hall, Main Road, Brighstone. After meeting refreshments are served and a speaker entertains us. 


If you would like to know more about The Royal British Legion, Brighstone and District Branch, we would be pleased to hear from you. If you have any membership queries, poppy appeal enquiries or welfare issues please contact the appropriate officer above who will do their best to assist you.

Write to: Mr Peter Atkinson - Chairman, 11 Spanners Close, Chale, PO38 2HY

e.mail : peterjatkinson57@gmail.com