poppy field



Branch Officers
President Mr Brian Kitchener

Mr Richard Hyam
T: 07799 115139 (General enquiries)

E: rehelectric@hotmail.co.uk

Vice Chairman  Mr Bill Marshall

Mrs Lesley Handscombe

E: lesley.handscombe@btopenworld.com

(General enquiries)

Treasurer Mr Peter Hyam
Standard Bearer  Mr Michael Gott
Poppy Appeal Organisers Val & Alan Monk
T: 01245 901970 (Poppy enquiries only, please)
E: valmonk@hotmail.com
Newsletter Editor and Webmaster

Mr Mick Chapman

T:  07717 000407

E: rbl232chapman@btinternet.com

Branch Meetings & Coffee Mornings are held in the Army Reserve Centre, Clive Road, Warley CM13 3UJ

Branch Meetings are held the second Monday every month, start 7:30pm unless otherwise stated in the Branch calendar.

Coffee Mornings every Thursday 9.30 - 11.00 am  unless otherwise stated in the Branch calendar.

The Branch issues its own newsletter two or three times a year by e-mail or hard copy to those members who do not have access to the internet. Please contact Mick Chapman to register for e-mail distribution.

The Branch has its own Book of Remembrance which is carried on Remembrance Day. Members of the Branch wishing to be remembered by the branch are asked to fill in the special form.

Contact our Secretary or Chairman for more information.