Brampton & District Remembrance Parade
I would personally like to thank all who supported the various events over this Remembrance weekend within our District.
This year saw a marked increase of Remembrance events that the Branch was invited to attend (5 in all) ranging from the dedication of a new war memorial at Grafham, to the laying of a cross for a WWI Fallen. I am pleased to report that every event was attended with the Branch Standard present at 4 of the 5 events.
We have grown as a Branch, both in membership and visibility, across the District so it is important that we support outlying villages as much as we can. Obviously, on Remembrance Sunday our main focus is on the Brampton Village Parade, but to be able to support other church services across our District is also an important part of our "business". This year saw the Branch not only attending the Brampton service and parade in the morning, but Upton church service on Sunday afternoon and also the Easton church service in the evening.
We were very well received at all with a number of positive comments about the Branch's turnout.
I would like to see us continue this support and attendance, especially during the Remembrance Period. There is a substantial amount of background work required to organise the Remembrance Parade (ranging from liaising with the Parish Council to polishing the silverware!) as well as a requirement for members to attend various District church services. If you are able to provide support by representing the Branch in the District locations at church services on the day, please let me know. We are always well received and our attendance is appreciated.
Remembrance Sunday falls on 10 November 2024, so please put it in your diaries now!
Mick Forsdick