poppy field

Brampton & District

Remembrance 2022


Brampton & District Remembrance Parade

On Sunday 14 November 2022 the Brampton & District Branch in partnership with Brampton Parish Council, held its first official Remembrance Parade for many years.

Although the village Scout and Guide organisations have been keeping the tradition alive by annually marching from the scout hut to the church and back, the Parish Council decided that it was the right time to incorporate Brampton Park (formerly known as RAF Brampton/Brampton Camp) into the Parade.

The Parade began at the Lady Olivia Centre on Brampton Park and then proceeded to St Mary Magdalene Church for the service, after which the Parade then proceeded along the High Street to The Green, where the salute was taken by the Deputy Lieutenant of the County on behalf of His Majesty the King.

The Parade was led by a contingent of serving Armed Forces personnel from 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic) followed by Veterans and members of the Royal British Legion with groups from the local Scout and Guide organisations. A large number of local residents lined the roads to be part of, what we hope, will be a regular event in the village’s calendar.

Many thanks to all those that participated and those who supported the parade along the route.

Below are some of the photos taken of the Parade and the Church Services