Please find attached the minutes of Meeting on the 29th July.
Opening Remarks
The Chair opened the meeting at 1940 hrs and thanked all for attending, commenting that numbers were again low this month. Although we were getting new members, we were also losing members so there was a need to generate interest.
Poppy Appeal Update
- Carole Rose gave report from Pete Digby (PAO)
- Having worked with Lucy Williams, (nee Acred), Pete Digby had secured a joint PAO for Brampton, this being Roger Whyborn. Pete Digby was meeting with him and Lucy on 15th August to discuss this year’s Poppy Appeal.
- Carole Rose to ask Pete Digby who the other lead was and if the stock is left at the Hare on the Green they need to sign a waiver.
Brampton and Alconbury Village Fetes: Ian Taylor advised that £174 and £435 had been raised respectively at these two events
RAF Wyton Families Day: Pete Digby had sent his thanks for the loan of the RBL gazebo for this event and that Paul Gane and Ian Taylor had attended to support the County stand. Well over £100 had been raised for the branch at this event. Carole Rose was to ask Pete Digby for the amount raised through the donation box.
NAAFI Break July: a total of 22 people had been in attendance. There would be no NAAFI Break in August, therefore the next one would be on 27 September 2024. The Chair asked for thoughts on holding a NAAFI Break on a Saturday or Bank Holiday Monday.
4 August 1400: - Open/Taster Day at Brampton Bowls Club. Mervyn Linnell had arranged this, and members were invited. A buffet was being supplied by the Bowling Club and games would be provided for children, so this was open to families. We needed a minimum of 18 people for this event.
Post Meeting Note: There were now 19 people interested in this and Carole Rose had advised Mervyn Linnell accordingly.
17 – 18 August: Ramsey 40s Weekend. Pete Digby had advised that County were having a stand at this event and was looking for volunteers to help. County will ensure that you have free entry (i.e. tickets). Pete Digby asked for those interested to contact him (
20 September: American Cemetery visit, Madingley Brandon Wilgus had advised that he had 16 people interested in this visit, but there were now no spaces available.
7 October: Annual General Meeting
26 October: Remembrance Cycle Ride and will be the reverse route this year.
26 October: Brampton Racecourse have a Race Day and have invited us to attend to sell Poppy merchandise.
26 October: Oktoberfest on The Green, Brampton.
26 October to 9 November: Poppy Appeal. If you wish to help out, please contact Pete Digby.
10 November: Remembrance Parade and Service at Church. The Chair advised that he had approached the Parish Council and outlined their responsibilities for strategic management – road closures, insurance and marshals who would need to be trained.
Post Meeting Note: The Parish Council are now committed to the strategic management of the Remembrance Parade with support from the Branch.
1 December: Christmas Fayre on The Green, Brampton.
7 December: Branch Christmas Social and Raffle venue tbc. A total of £310 worth of raffle tickets had been sold to date and members were invited to take books to sell, contacting IT or SG for information. Several prizes had been obtained to date with further contact to be made to local businesses.
Committee Posts:

AGM Branch Officer Nominations 24/25
The posts were:
- Chair – Clive Wood had volunteered to succeed Mick Forsdick as Chair
- Vice Chair – Pete Digby had advised he would remain as Vice Chair
- Secretary – Carole Rose had advised she would remain as Secretary
- Treasurer – Siobhan Grehan had advised she would remain as Treasurer
- Events - OPEN
- Branch Youth Officer - OPEN
- Branch Support Officer(s), preferably two, who would be required to attend an on-line course and a face-to-face interview. Suggestions as to the way we do Welfare, the possibility to create a Form of Welfare to ask what is required by a veteran and pass it to County. It was suggested that all members keep an eye out for their neighbours to ensure they are not struggling. - Sally Rees and OPEN
- 3 Standard Bearers – we have three at present, Ian Phoenix-Sisk, Nigel Owen, and Bridie Marshallsay (a member of 42 Geo Royal Engineers at Wyton), who was standing down. - One OPEN
- 42 Regt have been approached for more volunteers.
- Media/IT/Publications Officer - Zoë Greenslade had advised she would remain as Media/IT Officer
- To be discussed at the AGM was the addition of the post of Immediate Past Chair.
Members Points of Interest:
MAGPAS: John Bridge OBE DL provided an update on the helicopter status in that the new helicopter had been delivered, however there would be a slight delay before a visit could be arranged and he would come back to us on this.
Crowdstrike Incident: Zoë Greenslade advised that the website had been affected by the this earlier in the month and she was having to re-upload some items. She reiterated that any photos uploaded must be the property of the person submitting them or that copyright was allowed.
Questionnaire: Zoë Greenslade was creating this to ascertain what members wanted of the branch, i.e. visits etc.
App: Zoë Greenslade was to pick an App that had a two-week free trial and this would be sent to the Executive Committee for consideration.
Maureen Wigley: Sally Rees asked if Maureen could be put on the minutes as a standing apology or if someone could pick her up and bring her to a meeting. Zoë Greenslade advised that she would see if she could assist Maureen in being able to use a laptop to join a Zoom meeting in the future.
NAAFI Breaks: There would be no NAAFI Break in August, these would potentially recommence from 27 September – tbc.
Meetings: There would be no meeting in August and due to the AGM being held on 7 October, no General Meeting would be held in September. The Executive Committee would meet in September and members were welcome to join the Executive Committee after that meeting for a social gathering.
Nominations for Committee Members
Joint PAO – who is the other one and they need to sign a waiver if the stock is to be left in the RBL shed at the Hare on the Green
Ramsey 40s Weekend Volunteers
Up to date Events Calendar
Platforms on which to hold future meetings
Date of Next Meeting:
AGM - 7th October 2024 – Brampton Methodist Church 1900hrs
Please advise the Branch Secretary ( as soon as possible if youa re unable to attend. Please also advise of any items you wish to be added to the Agenda.
Mick Forsdick