poppy field

Brampton & District

Branch Update – Branch Fee

On behalf of the Branch committee I would like to start by thanking you all for your continued support to the Royal British Legion and the Branch. 

The committee is duty bound to ensure that all its members are kept informed of what activities the Branch are involved with.  As a result of this, the committee are proposing to introduce a Branch fee to cover administration and running costs of the Branch.  This fee is to cover such things as :

  • Postage and Stationary – Not all members are accessible via email and therefore the only option is by post. If members provide email addresses this would radically reduce some of our correspondence costs.
  • Photocopying – The Branch is required to produce copies of correspondence/information for meetings or despatch.
  • Printing Material – Cost of paper and ink cartridges to print originals for file or duplication.
  • Mobile Phone – The Branch has a dedicated phone for official RBL business which runs on a pay as you go basis.

Additionally implementing a Branch fee could allow us to provide members with a subsidy on some future trips and events that are being planned. 

An investigation was conducted by the Branch Treasurer which has resulted in a proposed annual fee of £5.00 per member, per year be adopted.  Whilst we appreciate that, especially in the current economic climate, this may seem a large amount, without your support we may not be able to fulfil our commitments to all branch members.

Any adoption of a Branch fee would apply to any Branch member whose renewal date is between 1st October 2024 and 30th September 2025 and/or any new members who join between 1st October 2024 and 30th September 2025. Payment would be collected centrally on RBL membership renewal, and then the £5.00 Branch fee would be transferred to the Branch account.  This would mean that the annual renewal fee would be £23.00 per member (RBL renewal fee + £5.00).



Brampton & District Branch