Bicester Town War Memorial Refurbishment Progress
The Three Yew Bushes:
The three yew bushes surrounding the Memorial have been removed. The contractor repairing the church infrastructure undertook this task free of charge and we thank them most sincerely for this.
The Base of the Memorial:
Thanks to a grant received from Cherwell DC the base of the Memorial has now been relaid and re-pointed. The picture below shows the work in progress. The edge will be smoothed in with tarmac.

The Memorial:
The Memorial was cleaned on Friday 31 october 2014. The Branch thanks to the Carillion Rail Consortium for donating the funds to complete this phase of the refurbishment.
The refurbished War Memorial.
The RBL Bicester and District Branch is proud to report the refurbishment of the Bicester Town War Memorial has been completed on schedule.